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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 697

Hearing that Lucien would also post the photo on social media, Sylvie quickly stopped him and said, "I don't want to show myself to your friends… yet."

Lucien's friends and acquaintances were all tycoons, CEOs, or successful people in other fields. Sylvie was afraid that she would disgrace Lucien. Besides, she didn't want to show herself so early. What if they broke up soon?

Lucien knew what she was thinking, so he said, "I'll post another photo."

In confusion, Sylvie was asked to put the roses on the table and stretch out her hand. Lucien took a photo of their two hands holding together.

Sylvie didn't know what to say anymore. She didn't expect Lucien to be so eager about showing off.

"I'll post this one." Lucien smiled as he waved his phone at Sylvie. "You can post the flower one."

Sylvie snorted. "I'll post this one as well."

Lucien nodded. The next second, they both post this photo on social media.

Lucien didn't get too many comments. On the contrary, Sylvie's mother immediately called Sylvie. Sylvie knew what her mother wanted to ask her, but she didn't want to talk about it in front of Lucien. Thus, Sylvie hung up guiltily.

However, Sylvie underestimated her mother's persistence. Her mother called her again.

Sylvie rarely hung up the calls from her parents, so she left her seat and answered the phone.

Sylvie's mother asked excitedly, "Sylvie, you have a boyfriend now?"

Sylvie was speechless when she heard her mother's excited tone. "Mom, why are you so happy? It sounds like I could never get married. I'm not that unpopular."

Her mother harrumphed, "Don't say that, honey. You're pretty, gentle, and kind, but you have a wrong attitude towards marriage. You're in your twenties, but you were always being indifferent, so I'm very worried about you."

Before Sylvie could say anything, Sylvie's mother asked happily, "What does your boyfriend do? Is he handsome? Do you have his photos?"

Sylvie took her phone away from her ear and scratched her hair. "Mom, I've just begun to date him. I don't know what's waiting for us in the future, so I don't want to share anything about him with you for now. We can talk about him later."

"I know you well. You are serious about anything. You must like him very much, or you wouldn't have agreed to date him." Sylvie's mother did know exactly what Sylvie was thinking.

Sylvie interrupted her mother, "Mom, I still have work to do, so I gotta go. Goodbye."

After Sylvie hung up the phone, her mother was very depressed. Sylvie's excuse was too lame. According to the photo Sylvie posted, Sylvie must be dating her boyfriend in a restaurant. Sylvie claimed that she was working because she didn't want to talk about her boyfriend.

Sylvie felt her cheeks were a little burning after hanging up the phone.

What her mother said made her very shy.

Sylvie was being mysterious while Lucien admitted it bluntly to his parents. After he posted the photo, his mother called him and asked him about it. Lucien then sent her Sylvie's photo and said, "I like her very much and I want to marry her."

Sylvie's mother quickly replied, "The girl looks gentle and kind. You should cherish her."


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