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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 698

Sylvie's mind went blank and she quickly rushed into the bathroom.

With a bad feeling, Sylvie asked nervously, "Nina, are you pregnant?"

Sylvie read many romantic novels, so she knew all the symptoms of pregnancy from the novels, even though she had never been pregnant before.

Nina did not feel like she was pregnant. She thought it was because of the stomach acid. She had felt nauseous due to this before.

However, Sylvie's words scared Nina. Nina couldn't be pregnant at this time. The play was half-finished now. If Nina was pregnant, she would be in a dilemma whether she should quit or continue.

No matter what choice Nina made, she would be facing a hard time, so it took her a long time to recover, standing at the sink, staring blankly at the mirror.

When Nina thought of the crazy and constant sex with Cameron, she felt even more flustered. Even though Cameron wore a condom every time, Nina was afraid that there would be an accident.

Perhaps she was really pregnant!

Sylvie asked, "How about telling Mr. Dauster about it?"

Nina recovered when Sylvie spoke.

She immediately shook her head. "No. It is probably a false alarm."

Sylvie said with dissatisfaction. "Nina, be a bit more confident. You two are so passionately in love. If you are not pregnant, I doubt about Mr. Dauster's ability."

Nina laughed dryly. "Jeez, girl! Do you know what are you talking about?"

After Nina finished speaking, she rinsed her mouth and walked out of the bathroom. Then she said to Sylvie, "Let's go to the hospital to have a check."

Sylvie said unwillingly, "No matter how you wrap yourself up, you'll definitely be recognized. And then your pregnancy would be on the news."

Nina said indifferently, "So what. As a married woman, it's nothing unusual for me to be pregnant. Besides, it is known to everyone that my husband is Cameron. They don't get to judge about my child."

Sylvie suddenly patted her head. "Oh, right! You're married, and you've made it public, so it doesn't matter if you are pregnant." She said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Nina. I totally forgot this. I've overreacted."

Nina suddenly made public her marriage to Cameron. Nonetheless, Sylvie had tried her best to make Nina's relationship with Cameron a secret in the past, so Sylvie was instinctively worried that Nina would be criticized.

Sylvie got relieved and said, "Then we can go to the hospital without any worries."

"Yes." Nina replied and began to change her clothes, "But in order not to cause trouble, I should still take a low profile."

"Yes," Sylvie agreed. Nina was now very popular. After being recognized, many people would surround them to take photos with her, which would cause trouble for the hospital.

After fully dressed, Nina received a call from Cameron.

Nina hesitated for a bit before picking it up, but Cameron realized something wrong with her tone. He asked, "What's wrong? You sound listless."

In fact, owing to the pain in her stomach, Nina was too weak to speak anything.

Nina didn't want to tell Cameron that she wasn't feeling well, in case Cameron, who was in Riverside City, would be worried. Nevertheless, Sylvie rapidly said, "Mr. Dauster, Nina may be pregnant."

Words failed Nina.

It fell silent on the other side of the phone. Nina couldn't help glaring at Sylvie while Sylvie quickly took a step back.

Sylvie was actually certain that Nina was pregnant, so she wanted to share the good news with Cameron as soon as possible.

Cameron was silent for a long time, and Nina thought he must be very shocked.


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