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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 746

"No. I am not good, not good at all!"

"Jean, I haven't been and never will be good without you…" Arthur's voice sounded anguished. "Ever since you left me, I have been living in sadness and regret."

"You are drunk. You'd better go to sleep." Jean cut in and was ready to hang up the phone. Though Arthur was drunk, it seemed to Jean that he could fend for himself.

But suddenly there was a great thud from the other side of the phone, which gave Jean quite a shock. "Arthur, are you ok?"

"Sorry," only after a while did Arthur manage to answer, "I just fell off the bed."

Jean pinched her forehead to ease her worry, and she asked, "Are you on the top floor? Which room are you in?"

Arthur told her the room number but then fell into silence, so Jean had to put on her coat and went to him. The deputy manager was drunk and Jean's assistant must also be tired by now; they would not know Jean was gone.

Jean soon reached the top floor. When she rang the doorbell, it took a while before Arthur opened it, and he fell on her the moment she walked into the room.

The weight of a man nearly dragged Jean down, and she helped Arthur back into bed with great difficulties. "I just don't understand. Why did you drink so much? You are not a heavy drinker, aren't you?"

Arthur grabbed her into his arms, without much effort, and he turned over to embrace her. Arthur smiled elatedly, "I drank the deputy manager under the table so I get the chance to stay with you. He was so drunk that he won't notice you are here with me."

Jean was rendered speechless. So that was the reason why Arthur had drunk so much at dinner.

She asked sulkily, "Don't you feel uncomfortable drinking too much?"

"I do," Arthur admitted candidly. Resting his head on her shoulder, he mumbled, "but I think it was quite worthy." Though his stomach didn't feel well, he was content to have Jean sleep with him tonight.

Jean pushed him away, saying, "You seem fine to me. I will get you some water then I will leave."

But Arthur was not supposed to let her go once she was in his room. He turned over and covered his forehead, as if in great pain, saying, "Gosh, my head hurt and my stomach… Don't leave me here."


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