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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 747

The next day afternoon, Jean just sent off some customers in the exhibition when she spotted Arthur, who was wearing a suit, walking towards her.

A bunch of questions ran through Jean's mind "What is he thinking? Why does he come to the exhibition? Hasn't he promised me that he will not disturb me when I am working? Where does he get the ticket? Doesn't he need to participate in his company's business activity?"

Jean had introduced the jewelry in which the customers were interested, from design concept to materials, all in great detail. She was quite thirsty by now and her heels seemed to be abraded by her shoes. Feeling exhausted, she ignored Arthur deliberately and sat in the nearby chair.

But the deputy manager noticed Arthur at the first sight and he couldn't wait to greet Arthur. "Hi, Mr. Hudgens." Jean restrained herself from rolling her eyes. She didn't know the deputy manager sometimes could be such a snob. Ever since she told the deputy manager the true identity of Arthur, he began to treat Arthur with a completely different attitude.

"Mr. Hudgens, I don't know you come to this exhibition." The deputy manager chatted with Arthur, while Jean was still sitting in the chair, seeming indifferent. The deputy manager thought confusedly, "Why does Miss. Does Jean ignore Mr. Hudgens? Though she is the daughter of my boss, Mr. Hudgens is still one of our potential customers since he has come to the exhibition. As the designer and the one in charge of Lorlene Jewelry, she is supposed to greet him and introduce our products to him. Besides, I think she has an intimate relationship with Mr. Hudgens. Why is she giving him cold shoulder?"

As for Arthur, he was completely attracted to Jean, who was playing on her phone on the seat. She had dressed up for the exhibition with delicate make-up and exquisite jewelry. As a means to advertise the products of Lorlene Jewelry, Jean wore a complete set consisting of a pair of eardrops, a necklace, and a ring, all designed into the shape of a waterdrop and made up of sapphire. The tender blue matched perfectly with her white skin and the waterdrop-shape design emphasized the gentleness of women. Jean had always been a quiet girl and the jewelry of cold color set off her traits even more, charming and gorgeous.

While Arthur was lost in infatuation, many customers had come to the stall to consult the information on the jewelry that Jean was wearing. Jean got up at once and introduced the products to them in detail. The deputy manager should also help so he apologized to Arthur, "I am sorry, Mr. Hudgens. It's quite busy now. You can take a look around. I will come to you later."

"Oh, it's okay. I can just wait." Arthur backed away and continued to look at Jean with a gentle smile on his face. He knew Jean was also an expert in psychology and when she was working as a psychiatrist, she looked professional and reasonable, with clear and unique insights. But it was the first time that Arthur got to know her as a jewelry designer. Standing afar, he could hear her introducing each product the customers were interested in, her voice calm and gentle, just like her personality. Arthur could tell that she didn't have much passion for the jewelry industry but he must admit that she was doing quite well: she designed every piece of jewelry attentively and the final products look innovative and fashionable.

Essentially, Arthur and Jean were alike. They were the type of people who would try their best to make things perfect, no matter whether they love them or not. It was the attitude that Jean had when working in the jewelry industry. However, her dream job had always been a psychiatrist. Thinking of these, Arthur felt compassionate for Jean since he really hoped she could do the thing that she truly loved.

The customers quickly left but not before ordering several sets of jewelry: four sets of the same style as Jean was wearing and several others. They were full of praise for Jean and her designs.


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