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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 749

Once Arthur selected the gift for his mom, Jean shot him a warning glance, implying he to go away. She was tired of what had happened. She was supposed to hide their intimate relationship from the deputy manager but everything was exposed, all because Arthur had come to the exhibition.

However, Arthur had the least idea to leave. He stared at her and said in a serious tone, "I also want to look at some rings."

Jean was utterly shocked at his words, and she thought to herself, "God, please don't make him say something like he is going to buy the ring for her. Just don't make the situation more complicated or she will go crazy!"

Unfortunately, there was no other customer except Arthur by now, so Jean couldn't get away from him.

"Well? What kind of ring that you want?" Jean asked through gritted teeth.

Arthur knew she was actually warning him, but he still continued nonetheless, "I fall in love with a woman, so I want to get myself a ring as a confession of my love and to keep other admirers away." While he was speaking, his deep dark eyes fixed on Jean and the love inside them nearly drowned her.

"I want to tell her that she is my destiny."

"I will wait for her no matter how long it will take."

"I have been and will be there for her forever and ever."

Even Jean's assistant, a bystander, was moved at Arthur's words. The assistant was nearly driven crazy by their love affairs – they loved each other deep in their hearts but they had to restrain themselves. Though Arthur didn't mention Jean's name everyone could tell he was confessing his passionate love to her. How much the assistant wanted to see them kiss and she thought, "Come on! Arthur, be a man. Kiss her! Look at the expressions in your eyes!"

Compared to the assistant's excitement, Jean was quite calm. She picked a display box in which there were several different types of rings for men. Showing them to Arthur, she said, "All these are fashionable and simple-designed. You can select from them."

Arthur didn't even give those rings a look but kept staring at Jean, saying, "Can you design one for me?" He knew she had designed rings for Nina and Cameron, which he also wanted.

Jean only gave him a close glance. "I am afraid you will have to wait until several months later. I've got many orders already."

"It's okay. I can wait," Arthur said without a second thought.

"Well then, I will contact you when I have time," Jean said coolly and put the display box back.

While Arthur felt a bit discouraged by her attitude, the deputy manager, who witnessed what happened, said to him, "Mr. Hudgens? What do you think about this one?"

Arthur looked at the ring at which the deputy manager was pointed while the deputy manager continued, "In fact, all the jewelry on display was designed by Miss Jean. But the reason why I recommend this one is because the design concept of it was ‘true love forever. I think the concept is what you were trying to say. So, would you like to try on it?" The deputy manager took out the ring and gave it to Arthur. "Oh, by the way, I think Miss Jean has kept a ring for herself, which makes couple rings with the one you are trying."

Jean could do nothing but thought helplessly, "Great, deputy manager, now you're telling all my jewelry collections to Arthur. Which side are you on?"

Once Arthur knew Jean had another couple ring, he put the ring on his finger, whose size matched his ring finger perfectly, as if by special design. He was also satisfied with the design context – "true love forever", just like his love for Jean, which will last till the end of the world.


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