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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 748

The deputy manager immediately said, "It's very filial for you to prepare a birthday gift for your mother, Mr. Hudgens. Our Lorlene Jewelry will offer you the best choices."

"Miss Jean? Would you please…" The deputy manager then turned to ask Jean, since she was the designer and was responsible for all the introductions. Arthur was their customer, after all, so Jean had no choice but to introduce the products to him.

But when she was walking towards the stall, the blister on her hell suddenly burst, nearly causing Jean to cry out. But she only frowned and thought to herself, "Wonderful! What a perfect time for the blister to burst! I really can't tolerate high-heeled shoes anymore."

"Are you okay?" Arthur noticed keenly that something was wrong, so he asked with concern.

"Oh, nothing, I am fine," Jean answered through gritted teeth. The deputy manager and her assistant were still watching, and she didn't want to expose their intimate relationship but treated Arthur simply as a customer.

But her assistance interrupted, "Oh my god, Miss Jean. Your blister burst. It must be quite hurt!"

Jean was utterly speechless. She tilted her head, glaring at the assistant as if warning her assistant to stay out of this. The assistant only stuck out her tongue, trying to look innocent. In fact, it was Jean who had complained to the assistant that the high-heeled shoes were so uncomfortable that she even got a blister on her heel. So, when the assistant found the blister broken, she yelled out of worry.

"Let me have a check." The next moment, Arthur knelt down without hesitation, his long fingers held on Jean's heel to check the blister.

While Jean backed up with embarrassment, saying, "I said I am alright." What was he thinking? The deputy manager and her assistant were still here!

But ignoring her rejection, Arthur held her feet in his hand with some force and he soon noticed a broken blister right on her heel. The wound looked terrifying on her white smooth skin. No wonder Jean had just frowned. How could she say she was alright? Her toughness nearly broke his heart.

Jean's assistant covered her mouth with her hand. She was shocked by Arthur's movement. It was too intimate. As for the deputy manager, he just pulled the assistance away coolly, leaving the two youngsters to indulge in the intimacy. Though they pretended they didn't know each other, when it came to an emergency, nothing could be hidden. The deputy manager had noticed something fishy between Jean and Arthur earlier and it turned out to be love affairs. But it seemed strange to him that the relationship was more like an affair rather than love.

"I will buy you some bandages. Wait for me." After checking the wound, Arthur left for the medical center in the exhibition directly, where there will be doctors in case of an accident. When he came to the exhibition, he had already checked the location of the medical center out of the instinct of being a doctor himself.

When Arthur left, Jean sat in the chair again, crossing her legs. She was feeling uneasy when the deputy manager and the assistant turned to her, the deputy manager commenting suggestively, "What a wonderful husband Mr. Hudgens will be."

Jean rolled her eyes. "A wonderful husband? You are kidding me?" The deputy manager had just made contact with Arthur and Jean couldn't say anything if the deputy manager referred to Arthur as her boyfriend. But a husband? Didn't he think this was too quick?

But the deputy manager asked rhetorically, "Or what? Don't you tell me it's puppy love at such an age?"


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