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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 753

"You believe me now?" Abigail teased Brandon.

Brandon cleared his throat awkwardly. "It's not that I don't believe you. I just didn't expect that this brat would actually fall in love. I also didn't expect that he would also go crazy for love."

In Brandon's eyes, because his son had been studying medicine for so many years, he was a little aloof and unromantic. He could not imagine how his son loved a woman.

Previously, Abigail had been worried about their son's marriage in front of him. Brandon felt that according to his son's personality, there was no chance. He did not expect that he actually found true love.

Abigail clicked her tongue. "Indeed, I did not expect him to be so crazy."

"But the girl is indeed outstanding. She deserves him to be so crazy. Let me tell you, I went online to check Jean's information, and I was shocked when I checked it."

"She graduated from the same school as our son abroad. Her major was psychology at that time and she also studied design. She was amazing, and she had a double degree." Abigail was full of praise for Jean's resume.

Brandon nodded in admiration. "She's really amazing. Psychology and design are two completely different professions. She can take care of both of them at the same time. She's very outstanding."

"Most importantly, she's also very beautiful. Look, this is a photo I found. Isn't it better than some celebrities?" Abigail said as she handed the phone to Brandon.

After Abigail finished speaking, she laughed happily. "I found out about these things and found a photo of Jean. I was so happy that I even woke up from my dreams last night. Did you hear me?"

Brandon glanced at the girl on her phone. She was indeed a beauty and also a cold beauty.

Brandon thought to himself, "I didn't expect my son to like this type of woman. This is really a woman with two completely different styles from his mother."

"Isn't she very beautiful?" Abigail came over and waited expectantly for his reply.

"She's beautiful, but our son looks pretty good too," Brandon spoke up for his son.

He always felt that in Abigail's eyes, it was a great blessing for his son to have Jean, but his son was also talented, outstanding, and handsome. It could only be said that he and Jean were evenly matched.

Abigail snorted, "Our son is good, but I think Jean is better."

Brandon was speechless.

Those who didn't know would think that Jean was her daughter.

Abigail tugged at Brandon's arm and lamented, "I really like this daughter-in-law. I really hope that our son can quickly marry her."

Brandon poured cold water on her. "She's not your daughter-in-law yet. Calm down. Everyone says that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. What if our son doesn't chase after her?"

Brandon continued, "Also, it's said that the more a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the better she feels. Why is it that you find your daughter-in-law more and more pleasing to the eye?"

Abigail snorted, "Why can't a mother-in-law find her daughter-in-law pleasing to the eye? Is there no mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the world who genuinely get along?"

Brandon looked at her and could not help but laugh.

That was right. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had been a thorny problem since ancient times, but it did not rule out that there were people who could get along well with each other. He believed that Abigail would be a mother-in-law who could get along well with her daughter-in-law, no matter what their daughter-in-law was like.

Abigail took another look at the photo of Jean on the phone and sighed. "After I learned about this girl's background, I really admired her. How outstanding is she who can handle two industries of psychologists and fashion designers at the same time?"


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