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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 754

"Since you've seen her, let's hurry up and leave." Brandon did not want to continue staying here, mainly because this kind of peeping was not very desirable.

The two of them were kissing on the other side. Abigail saw that her son had no intention of letting her go for a while. She also felt that it was strange and shy to stay, so she turned and left with Brandon.

However, she still worried as she walked, "I don't know when the girl will leave. Do you think we should let our son take her home for dinner?"

Brandon replied, "I'm just afraid that your son won't be able to take her home."

Judging from the situation just now, it was obvious that their son was the one who took the initiative. The girl might not want to see them, and she might not even want to have a long-lasting relationship with their son.

Abigail was shocked by his words and couldn't help but criticize him. "Why are you so passive? It's as if our son can't marry her."

"Do you think your son has a chance? I think it's better for you to ask what happened between the two of them before. Otherwise, why did our son pester her for so many years without any results?" Brandon said seriously.

"This is not a good sign." Brandon gave such a conclusion.

Perhaps men were always calmer than women. The passionate Abigail also felt that Brandon's words made sense, so she had to give up the idea of letting her son take Jean home. Then, she thought about how she could indirectly ask her son what was going on between him and Jean.

The second Jean was pressed against the wall and kissed by Arthur, she always felt that someone was watching them not far away. So for a moment, she forgot to protest against Arthur's overbearing behavior. She only hid in his arms after he released her. "It seems that someone is looking at us?"

Jean did not want to be photographed on a hot topic because of this kind of thing. It was too shameful.

She only wanted to do things quietly in an unknown corner. Even if she had an impressive education and outstanding appearance, she did not want to expose herself too much.

Previously, when Lorlene Jewelry chose the spokesperson, someone suggested to her father that she could endorse their jewelry herself. Jean refused.

First of all, she was not a professional actress like Nina. When she faced the camera, she felt stiff and uncomfortable. She definitely could not do the expression, eyes, and posture that the director wanted. Therefore, she could not show the charm of every piece of jewelry at all.

Secondly, she did not want to make herself famous based on her appearance. She had positioned herself as the person behind the scenes, just doing good design.

Arthur looked back at the end of the corridor and saw no one.

However, he felt that it was fine even if someone saw it. He wished that everyone in the world knew about his relationship with Jean.

"No one. Forget it. If you don't want to stay, then I will go with you tonight. Anyway, my luggage has already been packed." He replied to Jean and then pressed back against her again.

Jean was speechless.

She had no idea what to say to him. She raised her hand to push him away and said, "Why are you so annoying!"

After she finished speaking, she continued to walk toward the lounge. Arthur followed closely behind her and held her hand. No matter how hard Jean tried, she could not shake his hand off.

After leaving the wedding venue, Ezra smoked a cigarette at the door. Then, he made a call with a depressed expression.

"Ezra?" The woman's surprised and incredulous voice came from the phone as if she did not believe that Ezra would take the initiative to call her.

Ezra asked in a heavy tone, "Where are you?"

The voice of the woman opposite him was extremely soft. "I am at Old Time Cafe."


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