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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 756

Emelia asked Julian anxiously, "Will it affect Ezra's plan?"

Julian gently said, "No."

Emelia breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good."

Emelia believed in Julian since he said that Ezra's plan wouldn't be affected, then everything was still under Ezra's control. She also believed that even if Ezra had problems, Julian wouldn't stand idly by.

The two children went to sleep after the meal. Julian put his daughter away and took his son from Emelia's arms and put him away. Then he sat down and asked Emelia gently, "Are you tired?"

Emelia smiled and said, "I'm not tired. I just hugged him and fed him some milk."

"I was afraid your arms would be sore," Julian said as rubbed Emelia's wrist and arm.

Emelia withdrew her hand and said helplessly, "If you keep asking me to do nothing like this, I will become good for nothing sooner or later."

Julian insisted, "Just wait and be patient. Your body's healing. You can stay with the kids more. If you don't keep well, there will be hidden diseases in the future."

"It's been a month since I gave birth. It's not that exaggerated." Emelia thought she was going to be a dead dog.

Since she was pregnant, Julian did not let her do anything, now after the birth, she is still doing nothing at all. Considering that she as a mother should hug her children just born, Julian did not stop her from holding them, or he did not even let her do such a simple thing.

However, Emelia had another plan, so she took the opportunity to bring it up. "Well, I want to go to the gym. I want to work out to be healthy and strong so that I can be there for our kids and take care of them."

Emelia was slender before pregnancy. From pregnancy till now, Julian hired a nutritionist for her, so she did not gain much weight except for that part.

She knew that she had to accompany and raise two children, and she needed to be stronger and physically better than other mothers, so she decided to work out.

Once, Julian thought she wasn't strong enough and told her to work out, but she wouldn't do.

Now that she had a son and daughter, she has the motivation to make herself stronger.

"Working out?" Julian slightly frowned. His sight fell on her fair skin.

Her figure had changed slightly after the birth of her children, and when her sexy body showed up at the gym, he could not imagine how unrestrained the trainers' eyes would be on her.

"Yeah, otherwise I'd stay at home all day and have nothing to do. A little exercise would be good for me." Emelia had already decided that she was going to get her own firm abs.

Julian at this time had ten thousand thoughts in his mind, but also knew that her idea of improving physical quality is good, so he said, "You have the idea of getting exercise is very good, but don't go to the gym. I can be your coach at home. We have a gym. I think I'm quite professional."

Who wanted to practice alone in the gym at home? That could be so boring. Emelia would probably sleep through it.

And she wanted to go to the gym because she was so boring staying at home. She could have someone to chat with, and Nina, as a female star in order to maintain a figure also often went to the gym, so she could go to a gym with Nina.

It would be fun when the girls work out together.

"I'm not going to practice at home. I'm going to the gym."


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