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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 755

"You're about to get engaged to me?"

"You're going to marry into the Cantillo family soon?"

Ezra said through gritted teeth. His grip on Erika's neck tightened even more.

Ezra's actions were too shocking, so much so that Annie and the others were frightened. They were stunned on the spot.

Annie rushed over as soon as she came back to her senses. She pulled Ezra hard and advised, "Mr. Cantillo, let's slow down. Let go of Erika first. If this goes on, she will die!"

Erika's best friend, Virginia, immediately burst into screams and cries after she came back to her senses. "Help! He is going to kill Erika! Ezra is going to kill Erika!"

Fortunately, there were no other customers in the store at noon. Except for Erika and her best friend, the rest were staff members. Otherwise, Virginia's words were really too lethal.

"Shut up!" Annie shouted at Virginia and then reminded Ezra anxiously, "Mr. Cantillo!"

Annie smelled the scent of alcohol on Ezra and knew that Ezra had gone to attend Nina and Cameron's wedding today. She just didn't know what stimulated Ezra and made him suddenly want to strangle Erika.

Ezra tightened his jaw and suddenly loosened Erika.

Erika was pushed into the sofa behind her. She held her neck and gasped for breath. The feeling of breathing fresh air was really good.

Ezra stood in the same place and looked coldly at Erika who was still in shock. "Do you still want to marry me?"

Because of what happened just now, Erika did not dare to speak casually anymore. She covered her neck and looked up at him with a wronged expression.

Ezra curled his lips into a smile. "I can marry you."

Ezra's words shocked Erika. She stammered and asked, "Is, is it true?"

Ezra nodded. "As long as you can accept your married life as it was just now."

Erika's face suddenly turned pale. Just now, Ezra was about to strangle her. Today, it was because there were outsiders like Annie and the others present. If there were no outsiders present to persuade Ezra, she might really be strangled to death.

At the thought of this, Erika trembled all over.

Perhaps it was because the experience just now was too horrible that she could not bear it all at once, so she shrank into the sofa and cried loudly.

Virginia shouted at Ezra from the side, "Ezra, this is domestic violence!"

Ezra suddenly looked over, his eyes full of cruelty. Virginia was so scared that she staggered and fell into the sofa behind her.

"Who do you think you are?" Ezra said to Virginia and then turned away without looking back.

After a few steps, he stopped again and ordered Annie, "Count how much they have spent these past few days and let them pay. In addition, don't allow either of them in the Old Time Cafe again."

Ezra's words did not give Erika any face. Erika cried even louder as she hid on the sofa.

Ezra's behavior today was equivalent to indirectly denying the rumor that she was about to be engaged to her. Not only that, but he also ruthlessly humiliated her. Erika was angry, but she could only get up and awkwardly pay the bill under Annie's urging.

The amount of the bill made her feel pained. She spent most of the afternoon here with Virginia on account of her ambiguous relationship with Ezra. There were times when she still stayed all day and the Old Time Cafe was charging by the hour...


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