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Sharing Beatrice novel by Alexis Dee novel Chapter 19

19-Took A Picture When I Was Sleeping

I left the mansion and sat down in the backseat of Akin’s car with Zane.

“Zane! No funny business in school. I don’t want to hear another complaint,” Akin set the rearview mirror to warn Zane, who was somewhat drowned in deep thoughts.

“Why do you think I’ll cause trouble?” Zane argued as if he didn’t know how much he loved plotting schemes. Obviously, I agreed with Akin.

It must be exhausting for Akin to be only a year and a few months older than Zane and to take care of him as a parent.

“Because you do it all the time. Also, make sure you and your friends don’t bully her,” Akin warned him and a smile drove to my lips.

“I hear you,” Zane answered with a sigh.

Akin was the only one who hadn’t insulted me by any means. His concern and care for me seemed genuine. It might be because he was asked to take care of me, but so were the others supposed to do.

Weirdly enough, Zane requested Akin to drop us off min- utes before school, and Akin agreed to it.

My better guess would be that Zane didn’t want anybody to see us walk out of the car together. It was my first day back after the humiliation. I have pretty shaken up already.

“Why did you steal my meds?” I ran to catch up with him. while he kept walking ahead with his head held high.

“Isn’t it obvious? I want to see what kind of crazy wolf you got,” he finally paused in his steps and looked at me with an evil look on his face. “I want to be sure if all these mates are fated mates or your wolf just feels a mate bond with anyone she sees,” he answered once he realized he wasn’t able to convince me of the intent behind his plan.

“My wolf waking up means exposing my scent. It will lead that man straight to me.” I was shivering while trying to make him understand that it’s not only about feeling mate bonds.

It was already eight, and my heart was pounding hard in my chest. The most I’ve delayed taking meds is a few hours. Probably till 10 am. It was never delayed past 10.

“This school is full of powerful werewolves. You have two Alpha Kings here, and many other alphas of powerful packs, so chill. “Even if he comes,” Zane waved his hand, dismissing my concern with a single shrug of his shoulders. “Now stay away from me. Nobody should see you with me. You heard me?” He rolled his eyes and started walking away as fast as he could.

As he walked away from me in his casual sexy walk, I was left behind with a lot of thoughts in my head.

Two Alpha Kings! Maddox might come to school. It would be great if I got to see him.

Walking into the school and watching everyone giggle at my sight took me back to that day when Flynn insulted me.

I tucked my head low and my body close. I just wanted to get through this day without my wolf escaping the cage.

The first two periods were like hell to me. I could barely focus on anything the teachers were saying. Thankfully, the third period was free. So I was able to walk out of the class- room and escape so many eyes scanning me.

The whispers and name-calling didn’t bother me any- more. I was afraid of what lived inside me.

“Isn’t she that bitch who made a joke out of herself by aiming for Alpha Flynn?” A green-eyed girl stopped right be- side my locker and talked to her friend in a manner so that I hear her clearly.

“That’s her,” her friend confirmed.


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