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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 14

Chapter 14*** jealousy!

King Valdo pov***

In the beginning, I was intending to take my private jet and go shopping elsewhere out of the kingdom but then I decided to keep us inside. Or in another meaning to keep my Pink inside. She wasn’t well known after all with the outside world and that might distract her or make her worried.

Her life was kept inside the same place for too long.

Okay, maybe I lied to myself. I was scared to lose her— I had no idea why she was so protective? Maybe. But I didn’t know that she heard about England, France and other countries.

I thought she didn’t hear about those at all. Yes, we do live there but we do have our own places. We rule alone but we get involved with the outside world as well. I was already one of the most powerful businessmen in the world.

But we didn’t struggle to earn money like normal human beings. We were different with our powers and our treasure; we didn’t need their technologies at all. our skills and knowledge were beyond the human brain to even reach after ten thousand years.

While I was asking my men to prepare the cars, Pink stopped me “wait! I want to go to France for shopping.” And I was like what the fucking face but muted.

She grinned “what? Really! I have heard about it. I didn’t remember when or how but I want to visit that place. Please.” She pouted with a small pleading voice.

I rolled my eyes “no, sorry about that. just keep us here. it’s more—”

I didn’t have the time to complete my sentence and she suddenly hit me “safer for me?” she raised her eyebrows.

I gulped nervously “it’s just— I —.”

And she raced my tongue to complete again “you are more protective?”

I frowned “what? Is that a new power! Seriously please let us visit the stores here.” I said annoyed.

She nodded “okay, but could we visit my old house. I mean— I want to—” she paused.

I cupped her cheeks “why? Please tell me. Why would you think of the old castle? They all disowned you. I don’t want you to remember your old miserable life.” I hugged her tightly feeling sorry for her.

She sighed and raised her head up with a wide smile “don’t worry, I just want to see if I could face my fears. If I could face Garret and Derek and all the packs, there. Please.” She begged.

I agreed but in my condition “okay, but we will go shopping first, then we will go there for just one hour. No more. No Pinker. Got that?” I stressed on my words to make it clear for her. I didn’t want to be possessive but I hated the old kingdom. I hated dark and Garrett. But at the same time, I wanted to help her by way or another to find her real and strong powers.

I wanted her to even be more powerful than me, I hoped so— at least I wished. And I didn’t mind seeing that. she was my mate, my Luna, after all, she was equal to me in everything.

She hoped to reach my neck and press a sucking hickey that made me moan “I love you Valdo.”

I smiled softly “I love you too Pink, more than you could imagine.”

On our way, we used cars, it was a nice normal trip. It didn’t take more than a couple of hours. But suddenly she asked me to stop by the frost. I asked the drivers and my men to stop by. She walked and we all followed her small spaces. Until she stopped by a tree. She started to scream loudly as if in hysterical panic.

Then she hid her face and body in my chest crying, “What’s wrong baby Pink?”

She trembled and shivered, I couldn’t know what to do. I lifted her up immediately and hastened back to the cars. Then she calmed down a bit, I repeated my question “what happened over there? Please tell me.”

She inhaled and exhaled loudly, she said breathlessly “I saw innocent human blood. I saw someone killed her mercilessly. The man didn’t do anything.” She explained.

I nodded and patted over her head “okay just calm down.”

That's when one of my best betas started talking “your highness, that was the same spot that man got killed by the rogues.” He reminded me but how the hell did she know that? I didn’t smell the blood at all. I didn’t spot any sign for that. it was perfectly cleaned by my men.

Pink, clutched my suit jacket and snuggled into my chest and fell asleep. I smiled at her angelic face and muttered mutely ‘at least she could feel safe between my arms’ I sighed hoping that her powers won’t hurt her. She obviously wasn’t strong enough to accept that fact or deal with. Her heart was more fragile than her powers.

In less than a minute, I changed my mind. I wanted to bury her powers and keep it hidden even from her. I couldn’t let her suffer at every step.

That’s when I decided to go shopping with her out of the kingdom for the first time because I had no intention to lose her. Even if I imprisoned her inside the castle for the rest of her life.

After a while we reached the stores, I woke her up with soft kisses, she startled a bit. Which was weird. “baby Pink are you okay?” I asked her worriedly.


The readers' comments on the novel: She belongs to the Alpha King