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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 22

chapter 22*** I hate you! Give me a divorce.

King Valdo pov***

Once we arrived, I opened the door on my side to let Pink get out. But she ignored me and got out from the other side. I heaved in frustration blaming myself. But she ran in a hurry inside the castle and once she had seen my father, she hid her body in his chest sobbing.

My father patted her head gently “what’s wrong my baby? What happened?”

Then she raised her face up and pointed to her red cheek “king Valdo slapped my face.” She wiped her eyes but she was still crying.

I cursed under my breath when I had seen the marks of my fingers on her soft white cheek “shit! I screwed up.”

My father raised an eyebrow to me “I told you don’t ever treat baby Pink like that? what happened Valdo?” my father asked me in a disappointed tone.

I scratched the back of my neck “okay, she raised her voice and yelled at me then she insulted me. I couldn’t control myself. I admit that I was too harsh to her.”

My father heaved and shook his head to me “that’s so bad Valdo.”

Then he pulled Pink to walk with him, I stopped both of them “Wait? Where are you taking her? I want to talk to her alone in our room.”

Pink groaned and said to my father ignoring my words “I didn’t insult him, king Valdo is a liar…” and I growled but my father shot me with ‘calm down.’

Then he raised Pink chin up to look at him “first, I don’t want you to talk to your mate this way. But I want you to tell me first what he has done to deserve all of your bad words.”

She threw her body again to my father chest “she died, Derek mate died. No, she was killed. King Valdo didn’t protect her.”

My father widened his eyes “okay, I guess I need an explanation now from both of you.” He said firmly.

“Not now, father, I need to take my Luna to our room and talk with her first,” I muttered and pulled Pink arm.

But I guess that was a very wrong step from me. she screamed and walked away from me as if I was responsible for killing that girl. “take your hands off me, don’t touch me. I hate you. I hate eeeeeeeeeee you,”

And that was enough for me. I couldn’t stand her attitude anymore. I dragged her by force, she yelled again with all her voice strength “noooooo, please leave me. I want the divorce.”

Her words glued me in my place, I felt a stab in my heart. I lost the ability to form a word “What?” I gulped nervously. Couldn’t believe what she just said! Did she hate me for that? I didn’t kill that girl for god sake!

She stepped back a few inches from me “yes, I want the divorce. I hate you. You slapped me. you will kill me later.”

“what the hell are you talking about? We are mates, there’s nothing called divorce! Are you insane or something?” I scoffed.

She put her hands to her waist and frowned “then I don’t want to be mated to you ever again. I don’t want to live with you. I don’t…” she was babbling saying fucking words.

I cut off and stomped towards her to make her shiver, she raised her hand up in protection to her cheeks. That scene killed me emotionally. What the hell had I done to make her afraid of me to that degree?

Yes, I was stupid I know that she faced a lot in her past, I shouldn’t touch her like that.

I know I had done something wrong and my dignity prevented me from apologizing to her at the same moment.

But she can’t hate me! I would die without her.

I gritted my teeth angrily “you are my Luna! You belong to me. you belong to the alpha king. You are not going anywhere. Got that?” I huffed.

My father chuckled as if it was a funny scene for him, he pulled Pink next to him “now, stop Valdo. Just go to your room and take a shower. And relax.”

I raised my brow shooting Pink with an irritated look.

She popped her tongue out of her mouth teasing me “I’m not going with you. I hate you.”


The readers' comments on the novel: She belongs to the Alpha King