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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24*** Where’s my baby Pink!

King Valdo pov***

I tried to sleep the whole night. But hell dammit that was the hardest thing ever. I used to sleep normally alone. Actually, I hated the feeling or imagining anyone sleeping next to me. but fuck! I figured out that after I found my mate Pink, I wouldn't be able to sleep alone.

The bed was so cold. I hugged her pillow and started to imagine her next to me like crazy shit.

I felt like a teenager, not a king, I missed her so much. I missed her touch. Her angelic face and the way she kissed me. the way she snuggled into my chest warmly.

And then all my evil thoughts and my wolf started to warn me that Pink might leave me. I couldn’t handle such pain in my chest. I felt so scared as a little kid. It wasn’t me at all. since I had met her and everything inside me changed literally.

I tossed in the bed right and left, trying to snap bad thoughts from my head. Until I fell asleep finally at the dawn.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed the bulge in my pants and I discovered the disaster I dreamed of my baby Pink and yes, I reached my climax.

Fuck! That never happened to me ever before.

I took a fast shower and rushed to my father's ‘great king’ room to say good morning to my baby and to calm down the atmosphere between us.

But once I knocked on the room and heard no voices. I went crazy, I yelled at one of the maids “where's my father? Where's my Luna?”

She smiled “your highness, they left.”

And just was it, I hastened out of the castle searching for both of them. Where did my father take my baby? He wouldn’t do that to me! he knows how much I loved her.

I commanded my guards to search for both of them but before they could move their butts I spotted Pink and my father running after each.

What? What happened to my dad? And why was she laughing and looking so happy?

I totally lost my mind at that point. But I didn’t mean to scare her at all. it was just I felt ignored all night and I was expecting her to be annoyed by sleeping away from my arms.

But when I saw her smiles and her wide laughs I felt that she didn’t love me. or maybe she didn’t care about sleeping in another room.

Okay, I thought she was happy without me and that was enough for me to lose my temper.

I stomped like a bear towards her yelling “where the hell do you think you are doing? How could you go out of the castle without taking my permission?”

And she ran away immediately.

Fuck! Once again I scared her! What if she left me?

I followed her but hell dammit! she was too fast and that’s when I noticed that she was gone too far near the cliff.

She was so fast in her shape of a human; she was faster actually than me. that I decided to shift to my wolf to find her traces.

That’s when I heard screams then a deep voice and growls of another wolf.

I followed the scent and fuck! It’s one of the rogues. I growled loudly to fear him and I guess she was the one who screamed.

But suddenly all the voices disappeared. I traced her scent until I found her inside a small cave inhaling and exhaling heavily.

I shifted back to my normal shape as a human. And I stepped closer pulling her to my chest. She was shivering, I kissed her forehead “it’s okay, calm down, you are safe now.”

And that wasn’t what I expected.

She widened her eyes and I swear to god that her eyes were too Pink as the sunrise. She was different but once she stopped shivering, once her eyes turned normal again.

“what’s wrong baby Pink? What happened?” I asked in curiosity.


The readers' comments on the novel: She belongs to the Alpha King