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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 26

chapter 26*** Raw ass fuck!

King Valdo pov***

“do you like the dolls and toys, baby?” I kissed her cheeks and let her go to check all the toys that filled the room already.

She bit her lips and smiled “yes, then you so much daddy.”

The word daddy has a weird affection on my body, the way she spits the word from her tongue has a strong influence on my ear and my heart.

But I didn’t want to interrupt her, I wanted her to enjoy her playroom.

She pulled the dolls one after one with glamour eyes happily. Then suddenly she stopped by a huge doll. To be honest, even for me I felt so curious about that doll. It looked like a normal girl, the same height as my baby Pink.

She pointed her fingers to the naked doll “daddy? What is that doll?”

I stepped closer and Pinked the doll up from the floor checking it “I guess… oh. it’s sex doll!” I raised my brows impressed by how it looked so normal with soft artificial skin and a pussy and ass hole.

She gasped shockingly “oh god and what is that? it looks like a dick!” she grabbed what was wrapped next to the doll box.

And yes, I guess I figured out what it was actually “it’s a strap dick!” I explained to her.

She pursed her lips with blank expressions, I guessed she didn’t get it. yes, sure how the hell she should know? After all she was imprisoned all her life in the same castle and she didn’t hear about those things.

I took the strap from her hands and wrapped it on her waist and her bottom to show her how it works “here baby, it’s for girls actually for lesbians. It’s like dick. You fuck the holes of that sex doll.” I informed her.

She giggled “really? Could I use It to fuck your ass then?” she raised her brows.

I said firmly “no! never!” I shot her with rage glare.

She cleared her throat “I was kidding; can I try it? I want to fuck that doll? But I wonder if I will feel something.”

I smelled her ass “do it now. Show me how you will fuck your doll. It’s your toy now. Enjoy.”

I walked to a chair and sat watching her pushing the deck inside the pussy of the sex doll that actually looked exactly like areal pussy. Even me wondered if Pink would enjoy that feeling or not.

After a few minutes I really figured out that she was definitely enjoying it. And me too watching her thrusting the toy dick deeper and faster made me my dick hard a stick iron. I couldn’t wait, I asked curiously “do you feel something baby?”

She moaned “yes, I feel am in control of the fuck. I feel horny as fuck.” She shouted, pleased.

And I dashed towards her, spat on her ass “and I will make you enjoy more now.” I thrust my dick inside her ass all of sudden making her stop thrusting for a while.

I squeezed her ass by my hands “thrust inside the doll now. Move your ass in rhythm with me.”

And she did, she was slower but her grunts were louder. I fucked her and she fucked her doll. It was like a raw threesome except there was no one with us. Just me and her.


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