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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 29

Chapter 29*** good news! Bad news!

Derek pov***

I glued in my place with a dropped jaw from the string shock and repeated my question to the rogue wolf “So who is the princess that you are talking about again?”

I thought I heard something wrong or something.

I needed him to reassure me that it wasn’t hallucinations or something.

The guy repeated but with a whisper tone this time as if he was scared to death to tell me that news. But why?

“your highness, King Derek, I’m talking about the princess with Pink eyes.” He cleared his throat.

Garret cut off him “you are talking about Pink my little-abandoned sister? She is not a princess anymore. She’s the queen of all the alphas. She’s the Luna of king Valdo.” Garret explained to him and actually I was going to say almost the same words.

The guy shook his head and fiddled nervously with his fingers “no, I’m mean our little princess with Pink eyes.”

I stepped closer from him and raised my eyebrows “okay, I fed up with all that crap. Spit it out now or I will fuck the hell out of you.” I warned him.

He bowed his head respectfully “your highness, our king Carlos, the king of rogues and our queen got birth to a princess with a Pink eye. But they left that little princess when she was almost a baby at the age of two and a half years. Because….” He paused.

I frowned “because of what?” I asked in curiosity.

He blurted out in a sad tone “because the king thought that girl would bring death to the rogue kingdom. He had two choices, either leaving the princess in the forest and forget about her or kill her by his own hands.”

“What the actual fuck? Kill his own daughter? But why?” I yelled at the guy.

He stepped back a few inches “because he saw her in his dreams bringing death for him. He simply chooses his life instead of his daughter. But now…” he wiped a rolled tear on his cheeks.

The man looked so sensitive, “but now what? Why are you crying? Tell me now.” I commanded him sternly, I was losing my temper. I couldn’t tell why but later after he finished his words, I realized why I had that pain in my heart.

He said all of sudden “because now, our king Carlos heard that she is still alive and she is married to king Valdo and he intends to kill her.”

“what the fuck?” I shouted in thunderstruck and didn’t notice that I was strangling the man's neck until Garret stopped me “stop now Derek, he is helping you. He means no harm.”

I pulled my hand away and slammed my body to a chair, I was struggling to breathe normally. “why? Just why? Tell me why he wants to kill her? And who the fuck told him that she is still alive?!” I tried to ask the man in a casual tone to not scare the hell out of him.


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