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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 42

Chapter 42*** fuck her or I will kill her!

Derek pov***

When I reached king Carlos the king of rogue’s private place and found my baby Pink tied naked to a tree, seriously all I wanted back then and thought of was two things only.

First. to cover her body instantly.

Second… was to kill that fucking king of rogues.

But she stopped me! I couldn’t imagine that she was doing that to save my life. Maybe because she knew how I became so stupid because of my anger. Yes, she was grown up around me and between my arms. She knew my temper and how worse it could reach.

I didn’t know if I could be happy for feeling how much she cared about my life or if I should slap my fucking face because I couldn’t do anything to save her at that moment.

I fucked up her life. I made her suffer. I made her cry. I didn’t even try to leave her to live her life happily with her real mate. But I wanted to do more and more even so I was very sure she wasn’t mine.

I was like a paralyzed person but not just physically but Mindy. I couldn’t think of anything to do at that point.

I growled insanely losing my mind and hurrying towards Pink, I took off my coat and placed it over her body.

The tears flow down her cheeks “don’t do that Derek. Just go away.” She said brokenly, staring to the floor.

I raised her chin up to look at me “don’t say that. I’m here for you. No one will touch you. If anyone wants to do that, they should pass me first. because it will be over my dead body.” I said confidently, rounding my fist in anger.

She blinked in disbelief, I know she couldn’t believe I might do that. I was the one who abused her day after day and night after night. I was the one who wanted to force her into sex. I was the one who used her body shamelessly to fill my bed sexual desires and to reach my climax. I was the one who filled her throat with my thick liquid.

I used her like a garbage heartlessly. So that was normal for her to not trust my words. But I was honest about her and about my feelings towards her. If only she could know what I could do to have her. And what I have done without regret to make her mine.

I fucked even my younger brother! I killed…. fuck I hate my brain when that old memories snap back again to that day. I hated that. but I guess I will live with that for the rest of my life. Feeling disgusted from my cruel me.

Me and Pink conversation was interrupted by the king Carlos 'who was supposed to be Pink father’ that was something out of the belief actually.

Maybe he was a stepfather or something!

“stop the fucking shit talking both of you. Don’t try to fake up how you care about her. I know and you know and even her know very well how horribly you have used her body every single night to fill your heated up the body and reach your fucking climax. To you, she was just a hole.” He smirked mentioning that and I wondered how the hell did he know about that.

That was a secret between me and my brother Garret and her. And for sure she wouldn’t be the one who will talk about that. that was a shameful thing and she won’t be proud of that.

Could it be garrett? But how and why the hell did he do that!

My mind was going to erupt like a volcano from eth overthinking evil thoughts.

“stop thinking and talk to me now. Tell me why you are here and don’t waste my time.” He said arrogantly from the tip of his nose.

I threw him up and down look “don’t talk to me in that way. I’m a king the same as you. Same powers and stronger pack. Be careful Carlos. And you do know why I’m here. for taking Pink with me now.” I said firmly, raising my eyebrows up and then I turned my body again to untie her as if it was simple.

But I hated the long conversation that we started already and I wanted to push him to give me what I need. To pull everything from his mouth.

But suddenly he yelled “stop now! Move an inch and I will make sure to kill her in front of her eyes.” He commanded me in a threatening tone.

I glanced at her to only see her shivering but she mouthed to me mutely ‘get out and save yourselves, Derek.’

I nodded to her and just smiled to cover up how angry I was. I think she really thought that I would just leave her only among those monsters as helpless prey!

I laughed hysterically making fun of what Carlos had just said to me “are you serious? As you have said, I used and abused her every single night since she was just 18 years old. Don’t you even have any dignity as a father to kill me or something! She is supposed to be your daughter!”

He scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest “why are you here Derek?” he ignored my words.

I admit that he was so calm even so there’s so much hatred in between his eyes but that was surprisingly not for me but for Pink.

And if I was someone else, I could tell that girl killed that man's mother or something. But she was too innocent and she has locked all her life in my castle. She knows nothing about the pack and other kingdoms or about the outside normal human world. She had no knowledge and no skills and was not even aware or trained over her supernatural powers.

Actually, she knows nothing about her powers and when she had shifted into that huge wolf, she was more shocked than me.

I was sure that wasn’t easy for her to shift again because if she was capable of that then she wouldn’t be kidnapped and tied now.

“I said I’m here to take Pink with me.” I said emphasizing every word comes out of my mouth and then I trailed off my words “so tell me why she is here and why you are doing that to your daughter?”

He blows a fuming breath away as if he wanted to blow fires from his nose “it’s none of your business.” He said carelessly.

“don’t give me that attitude. You accepted to meet me to hear my offer for you.” I smirked sheepishly.

He lingered for a while then he started “okay, I want to hear the offer first. then…”

I cut off him “no, tell me first why are you doing this to your daughter and remember I abused her for the past years of her life that means I do want her alive. And trust me I can do a lot for her sake.”

Once I finished my words that was a clear and direct warning to him.

He chuckled and mumbled “yes, I can tell. That’s why you have killed your father!”


The readers' comments on the novel: She belongs to the Alpha King