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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48*** Take it or leave it!

Pink pov***

Okay that was silly! What was he thinking of for all the goddess sake?! I found myself dragged into a hotel which apparently and obviously to the blind was owned by Valdo but even so he dragged me like a cow without telling me much more details and what was in his mind.

Yes, yes I do know that he told me, he wants me to fight to keep his love for me. and I didn’t say that I will accept to be defeated easily. I know that I was smarter and stronger than that.

But for the sake of god how he expected me to concentrate in my studies if he wants me to be with him in the same room?!

I stood in my place when we reached the room thinking of something to say. He turned his body to me lazily and with a bored face “what is it? why are you still standing there like a glued person?” he mumbled.

I bit my lips “I just want to ask you something. Could you please let me sleep alone in another room?” I asked him slowly and he just blurted out with plain expressions “no.”

I coughed “please.” I tried to be more seductive and feminine.

He repeated louder with an annoyed tone “I said no.”

I lowered my gaze to the floor thinking of anything else but his strong hand pulled my arm and pushed me to the bed “don’t think much. No sleep.”

I blinked, losing the ability to think at all. Why was he doing this?

He said in a dominant tone this time “I said sleep now.”

I nodded and pushed myself to the bed and covered my body with the blanket. He frowned and huffed angrily “change your clothes first. You just have a couple of hours to rest before going to college.”

Huh? What’s with the mad tone! If I obeyed his orders, he yells at me. and if I protest he yells at me. and if I rejected, he yells at me! what the actual fuck!? He wants to make me go crazy or what?!

I stood up slowly walking to the bags that were still on the floor, I tried to open it but I didn’t find the small keys.

I tried to break it but I couldn't. He rushed up to me and grabbed the keys from his pocket then he opened it silently without commenting.

Or that what I thought so, until I heard him mumbling under his breath “I mated to the weakest wolf ever I guess.”

That made me angry and depressed and felt so insulted that he feels I’m so nothing compared to him. It means he thinks I don’t deserve to be his Luna! It hurts so much to see that in his eyes. But it made me take this vow with myself to show him that I was good enough and more than good to be with him.

To make him regret treating me like that.

He can’t throw a tantrum all the time. He can’t blame me for everything. He can’t act like a victim because he isn’t. I didn’t choose him as my mate or force him. Actually I just realized that I didn’t choose anything in my life at all.

I wasn’t picky or nosy or heartless or greedy. I discovered I was more under below when it comes to my dreams.

Maybe that puts me in the circle of weak wolves! I didn’t even know what kind of wolf I was. He was the one who told me I was Alpha! So it means I’m equal to him even if I wasn’t mated to him.

I rummaged into the bag searching for anything of my clothes to wear. I couldn’t find any in this bag and I didn’t want to ask him to open the other bag for me.

I just took off all my clothes and decided to sleep naked.

Yes, I will do what I want to do from now on. If he loved me then he must accept me with my pros and cons. I’m not an angel. After all, but I was sure I’m better than him and all the werewolves.

Simply, I didn’t do anything bad in my life ever! I’m pure and clear like a crystal.

Okay! I think I committed a few sins when I sucked the dick of Derek every night. But I was forced, I had no choice. I was the victim.

Even so, I was deep inside me sure I was innocent and actually thought that even king Valdo doesn’t deserve to be with me.

Maybe I would learn and meet new people in that outside world. Maybe I would find real love. Who knows?!

Stop thinking of bullshit, that will just make me fall like a shit in the toilet! Nothing like that would've happened between me and a human male for sure.

Love is a fucking abnormal disaster that took my mind more than it was taken already.

I came back to reality and snapped back to my thoughts when king Valdo snapped his fingers to my forehead, I painfully screamed “ouch! What was that about?”

He raised his brows and crossed his arms over his chest looking up and down to my body, I lowered my eyes to see what he was talking about and I noticed that I was standing in the middle of the room thinking all that time but wearing nothing actually. Totally naked.

I smiled awkwardly feeling embarrassed but then I shrugged my shoulders and waltzed to the bed ignoring him.

He shouted in half tone strength “what was that? Are you going to sleep naked? Wear something!”

I pulled the blanket on my body and pulled a pillow to my chest and hugged it “I will do whatever I want to do. Take it or leave it.”

I sealed my eyes and after a few seconds, I felt his hands rolling me in the bed to lay on my back. I startled a bit when I found him naked topping me. I trembled “what are you doing?”

He waved his head up and down teasingly “taking it.”

What the fuck! I didn’t mean it like that?!

I couldn’t read what he was going to do with me until he opened my legs “spread your legs for me, baby.” his husky voice with the commanding tone made me open my legs. The curiosity killed me but he made me horny— I wanted more but I couldn’t tell. I was just waiting for the next. He was the expert and I was enjoying being under control.

He smirked at me, obviously me obeying his orders silently without protesting was the sign of raising his ego more and more but I didn’t care much. If I feel scared at any point, I will just flee away from this place and never come back.

He bent down and here I am feeling the most sensual feeling ever. I had never reached this level before. As if I have never been touched by any man ‘I was virgin when Valdo fucked me for the first time’ but Derek and garret used to touch me everywhere— so practically he wasn’t my first man to touch me.


The readers' comments on the novel: She belongs to the Alpha King