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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51*** new professor!

Pink pov***

I sat on my seat in the back and once I breathed normally once I heard the student’s laughter’s stepping inside, all the eyes turned into me but I skipped eye contact with any of them.

Suddenly a teacher stepped inside. He was in his mid-thirties with a gorgeous face and dimples on his cheeks. His smile could brighten the day of anyone like the sunrise.

I blushed lightly when he stared at me, then he stepped closer “oh, are you new to this class? But how you could start from the second semester, I didn’t see you before.”

I raised my head up and stood up politely trembling “I’m new.”

And everyone laughed at my reply. He nodded and gestured to all of them to start talking “yes, I know that you are new, that’s what I was asking you about. How could you enter the college from the second semester?”

I rubbed my forehand, feeling lost in words, I don’t even know what he meant by semester. I coughed “I don’t know, my Hu—” I was going to say husband. But then I realized I’m so young and I don’t want to look like a fool and I don’t want to be lonely from the start. I wanted to make a new friendship and take advantage of that. I was lonely all my life.

He was staring at me waiting for me to reply “I don’t know seriously, my father made some arrangements for me. because I am studying abroad and my IQ is very high I guess. That’s why they allowed me to start from second semester.” I said confidently and yay, I guess I pulled all the attention towards me.

He nodded “okay, nice to meet you. And by the way you look really smart and beautiful.” He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes then lowered my gaze to the desk “thank your sir.”

I didn’t know what to say or what to call him but I heard him whispering “no, there’s no sir here. only teacher to professor. Okay, please have a seat. We will start the lecture now and after that I want you to meet me in my office on the second floor to discuss how I will help you and teach you what you have missed in your first semester. Okay?”

I nodded politely “yes, sure and thank you.” I smiled and he smiled back at me.

He was kind of a sweet man, I liked how he cared about the students and actually I paid attention to what he was saying in the lecture and I guess he was really smart and it wasn’t hard for me to learn at all.

I liked that, once he finessed the lecture, he gestured to me to follow him and I did, but one of the students blocked my path and moved his fingers on my cheeks, I wanted to slap his face but a strong arm pulled the student hand and it was my new professor hand “don’t ever dare to touch her or I will break your arm, got that?” and the student nodded and just dashed off our sight of view.

The professor blankly ushered me to his office and I followed politely, once I stepped nice, I blurted out “thank your professor for that.”


The readers' comments on the novel: She belongs to the Alpha King