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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 65

Chapter 65*** sex addictive!

King Valdo pov***

Finally, we both started breathing normally after a hard fuck. I enjoyed every second with her.

I helped her to wear back her clothes after I wiped her pussy carefully and wiped my dick as well. I kissed her passionately and pulled her to my chest rubbing her back.

Finally, we reached the shopping stores. Before getting out, I smiled at her and said, admitting my feelings, “here we go! I guess I will get used to sleeping with you every time we step inside that limo.”

She pouted and laughed teasing me “I guess you are sex addictive.” To be honest, I wasn’t before finding her. But I guess she was right. Once I tasted the manning of sex and her body, I realized that is as like horny manhole who needs and want to be fucking her all the time.

Sometimes I lose my concentration in kingdom business or even in my business in the outside world because of thinking of her in bed.

I even sometimes masturbated on her ass. Seriously in my office! When I remember how perfect she is in bed.

I pecked her lips gently then replied “I guess I’m addicted to you. That’s the right answer actually.”

Yes, I guess I will raise the white flag soon for her. She was getting a lot of experience in bed by that time and that was fast for me. I liked that she is smart and she wants to please me and make me satisfied in bed all the time.

Well not only in bed, but she also started to obey me to get fucked in the limo and in public.

I know that I was insane somehow to do that/ but no one saw anything and if someone tried to see her body, I would simply pull his tongue out of his throat. And fuck the hell out of him

“bullshit!” she stuck her tongue tea singing to me childishly.

I growled and changed my face into grimace, warning her sternly “hmmmmmmmmm! Never say that.”

She trembled and lowered her gaze to her lap and apologized slowly in whisper tone “sorry,”

Yes, I’m scared I know but I like when she is so submitting to me and so polite.

I said firmly to her with furrowed eyebrows “say sorry daddy.”

She nodded and smiled feeling guilty “sorry daddy.”

I patted her head gently and kissed her nose “good baby, now let’s go.”


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