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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 68

Chapter 68*** shower together!

King Valdo pov***

Back to the hotel once more, after I beat up the hell out of that guy. Yes, I had restrained myself from not to kill him because Pink asked me to stop. And certainly, I didn’t want to freak her out or to be a reason for her cries.

But once I made sure that she was in the limo, I barged back to the store and punched that man face several times till he lost his consciousness.

Yes, I couldn’t just stop at that point!

I came back in a hurry to the limo with a wide smile covering my face after cleaning my hands from the man's blood, his face was terribly sashed by my strong fist. He deserved that because he wasn’t a polite person. And if he was in my kingdom he would be dead by now after hanging him up from his fucking neck.

Pink was still confused about what happened. To be honest I knew she hated violence and especially when she was involved in that or because of her.

And to be honest, since my heels met her eyes and science I called her ‘mates’ she was always surrounded by violence scenes, rape and kidnapping and killing!

I don’t know if she was unlucky or that I was the one who was unlucky!

Even so, I didn’t forget about bringing that dress with me from the store to make her happy.

Once I slammed my butt inside the limo next to her. I handed her the bag of the dress.

She dropped her jaw surprised “oh! That’s for me? I thought that you forget about it or hate it because that guy said—” she sighed and paused.

I shook my head and kissed her softly “actually he was correct. You are so gorgeous.”

And rat was it— silence it was just me pulling her to my chest and rubbing her back gently and lovingly.

Just enjoying the view through the limo window. And I was just relaxing my mind. Because that fucking man stressed me and made my temper go into so fucking shit and I was pretending that I’m okay but for a moment I thought that dress is a curse and would just make me end by killing few people.

Once we arrived at the hotel, I wanted to surprise her and move her to the royal suite.

But then the bad daydream that I should call it a nightmare hit my brain and I just stopped by thinking wisely what I should do. I can’t stay in that small room for long though—.

But dark signals made me come back with the memory for a few things—.

Few things that I think I missed—

That’s when I felt weird aches in my chest as if I was collapsing. It just made me deskin to neglect the idea of moving out of that room.

Somehow I was afraid more than Pink. She was waiting to see when or how I might try to kill her. But I was trying to do my best to find why I might do that to stop that disaster before happening.

And all I was asking myself about ‘who is that woman?’ yes! Why was I dreamed by another woman? And why did she say that Pink left me forever?!

When I will meet that unknown woman! Truly that was something important and I was eager but dreadful to know badly as soon as possible.

To have your mate killer or died wasn’t something easy could anyone accept. But to be killed by your hands and to know for sure that you are going to do that soon that was the hardest thing ever.

And to be sure that Pink was too innocent! That means one thing! That I will make a huge mistake and soon I will regret it.

Reading the future or even taking small visions about signs of few things that will happen later was really accurate as the wise man has said!

Yes, I really started to illusion things and feel uncomfortable even to be with Pink alone.

And I started to think of having another Luna to stop hurting Pink.

Stupid thoughts and crap ideas that ends always with failure and I keep myself closer to Pink as much as I could. Because simply I couldn’t let her go. I was so fucking addicted to her.

I lifted Pink between my arms all of sudden and hurried up to our room. I locked the door and placed her down on the bed staring at her hungrily.

I wasn’t in the mood to sleep with her actually. But I wanted to take a shower and get ready because we do have a meeting and I want her to be with me.

She stared at me sleepily, as if she wanted to tell me that she wasn’t happy about joining me that meeting. But I ignored her yawning and her eyes.

I pulled her arm and said to her “let’s take a shower first before changing our clothes.”

She sighed and pouted surrendering to me “okay,”

She walked away leaving me “Hey! Where are you going baby Pink?” I asked her in curiosity.

She replied simply to the shower room.”

I raised an eyebrow and flubbed her on my shoulder chuckling “no, I mean we need to take a shower together.”

She pouted nagging “Valdo!”

I slammed her ass with my hand playfully “Pink!”

Once I placed her inside the shower room, she made a puppy face trying to push me out “we can’t do that. you will turn it into sex. And we will be late.”

I made a promising childish sign with my finger “I swear I won’t— okay— I’ m not sure from that. but I want to share everything with you. I want to wash your body inch by inch.”

But once I finished my words, I realized that promise will be broken, because once she stripped, my hands went further squeezing her boobs and pinching her nipples.

She bit her lips and said out of blue “okay, and I will do the same to you. Actually, I want to do something special.”

I raised my brows in curiosity “really? What is it?”

She winked to me saying seductively “take off your clothes and you will figure out how seductive and naughty I could be.”

And that when her hands started to move down to my pants squeezing my dick.

I cleared my throat saying in husky tone “baby, don’t play in my dick.”

I wanted to stop her but my dick didn’t and my wolf started to growl as well. She pulled down my pants and bent on her knees taking all of it into her mouth “I want to suck it for you.”

Fuck! how could I say no to that amazing painful tongue?! I just couldn’t! I tried to warn her with a faint tone almost suppressing a moan “baby, that will turn into—”

She sucked harder taking all of my dick inside her throat, and saying in between licking my dick and my balls “please— um—. I miss your dick. it tastes yummy.”


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