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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 85

Chapter 85*** she’s pregnant!

King Valdo pov***

And after the doctors checked on my baby Pink, they asked me to talk in private. I was too worried, I thought something was wrong with her health.

But I didn’t expect that, while I was fiddling furiously with my fingers and standing with the doctor outside the room waiting for him to say his words, I didn’t expect at all that he would say that with a wide smile covering his face “congratulations.”

I narrowed my eyes in curiosity, my mind didn’t predict at all what he was going to say “what?”

He bowed his head cheerfully and informed me with the best good news ever “our Luna is pregnant by your highness.”

I raised my eyebrows surprised “seriously? Then that explains her vomiting.”

He rubbed his chin and said lowering his voice “no! that’s because of something else.”

I gulped nervously getting worried again “what do you mean?”

But suddenly Derek came closer from us, I didn’t see him at the beginning but when the doctor said to me “can I talk with you in private about your highness?”

I raised an eyebrow to Derek, then I nodded to the doctor and walked far away from him enough to not get heard by Derek or anyone else in the castle “yes sure.”

I placed my hands on the doctor's shoulders and asked him in a serious tone, I wanted him to be honest with me “what’s going on with my baby Pink?”

He started explaining to me slowly and instructed me with what I should do “she’s not comfortable, I mean she is not mentally or emotionally stable that’s why she lost her appetite and she doesn’t eat well. That’s why her body is so weak and she keeps vomiting. She needs to eat four meals per day. She needs more care from you not from maids.”

I nodded in agreeing and asked him for next “okay, I got that. thank you doctor. Is there any medicine she should take?”

He smiled probingly informing me “only your love is her medicine at that time of pregnancy. And I have to warn you. She might lose the baby if she gets angry. Because it will lead to high pressure and with her weak body she will lose the baby immediately and maybe she will—” but he trembled and paused.

I gasped freaking out. “oh my god! She will what?”

He sighed in depression but he finally told me the truth “she will die. I’m sorry. But you should know to take care.”

I rubbed my face trying to calm down my heart and to reclaim my strength, as much as the news was very good as much as I got scared of losing my baby Pink, I said assuring him without any doubt “okay, I will do my best. I can’t lose my mate. I love her.”


King Valdo pov***

I strode back in a hurry to our room to tell Pink about the good news, I smiled widely and said louder “congratulations baby,”

She adjusted her body in the bed and asked me worriedly but in curiosity “hub? For what?”

I bowed my head lightly for her and said “for pregnancy!”

She almost jumped off the bed from the surprise and asked me in disbelief “oh my god! Is that so? Really?”

I came closer to her and pulled her hand and looked lovingly and said in a serious tone “yes baby, but we have a little problem now.”

She trembled and furrowed her brows and asked me “what is it? you are not happy because I’m pregnant?”


The readers' comments on the novel: She belongs to the Alpha King