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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90*** making love in the water!

King Valdo pov***

I lifted her up between my arms and swam with her playing in the water and undressing her piece by piece. Until she was not able to touch the ground by her own feet anymore.

I grabbed her waist and her body tightly to me and I lifted her up to my waist letting her straddle her legs around my waist and that was it for me to push her up and down on my dick—. Yes, we did it for too long in the water and it was the most crazed thing ever. But the feelings of my dick sliding easily in her pussy was amazing.

But I loved that feeling with her. Every time I touch her or make love to her I go more crazy in love with her.

That definitely was making our bond stronger.

And every time I reach my climax, I feel like hard once again and I ask for more and more intimacy as if I get fully charged all over again.

Getting enough of her wasn’t something in my body dictionary. She owns every inch of my body.

I panted saying breathless while flipping her on my back and walking out of the water, “wow, Pink that’s awesome. You became very experienced in sex.”

She giggled lightly holding my neck and trailing a few kisses playfully “only because I’m with you and I want to satisfy you.”

I blurted out with all confidence and heartily “you are enough for me. I swear.”

Once I reached the shore, I let her stand down on her own feet after covering her body for sure with her clothes. Actually with the only piece I found in the water after we got drenched. She pouted annoyed “but you said that you have been with others.”

I scrunched the tip of my nose and said mocking, but I meant it actually “they do suck very good to be honest. But I don’t need a suck here. I just need you.”

She stabbed the sand by her own bare feet childish and screamed bothered with what I have said “I want you to fuck me hard as much as you want.”

I shook my head and said after thinking and processing her words carefully in my mind and yes that was my answer “but, I can’t risk that. Especially if you are pregnant now.”

She raised her hand up suggesting to me “then let’s make a signal to stop you if I was feeling so much pain.”

I raised my brows and asked her while I was thinking of a signal too “so what’s the sign.”

What! Yes, sure I wanted to fuck her all the time! I can’t deny that so what she suggested was actually a good idea and I didn’t mind that.

She snapped her fingers and bawled “daddy.”

I shook my head slowly in disagreeing “no, it will not work. It will make it harder for me.”

Yes, that was the truth, every time she says daddy, I feel like a train with no stop station going further and faster like an insane wolf.

She snapped her fingers again suggesting “then slow down.”

I almost dropped my jaw and said annoyed “no its not working too.”

She made a puppy face and crossed her arms over her chest which gave me a full view of her bare boobs under that transpired wet shit “so what do you suggest Valdo?”

I reclaimed myself and tried to stop my dick from getting harder and said to her “just tell me to stop whatever you want.”

She nodded in defeat, and said to me “okay, I want to ask you something now very important.”

I pulled her to my chest and glared at her “what is baby Pink?”

She bit her lips shyly and asked me “what do you think about naming the coming baby?”

I pecked her lips gently then said in a whispering tone “okay, if it is a girl, I will call her Pinky and if it is a boy I will call him panko.” What! I really wanted to do that! I know it’s silly names and that I didn’t think about names actually. But I wanted anything to be referred to her after all.

She opened her mouth and said in disbelief “what? This is insane. It’s not even names!”

I shrugged my shoulders and said simply smirking “whatever! I want them to be named yours.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck and jumped hanging on kissing my lips “I love you, daddy, come here now. Show me your roughest way in sex.”


The readers' comments on the novel: She belongs to the Alpha King