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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 131

Chapter 131 

In fact, it was no wonder that Nadia wanted to turn a big matter into a small one in the beginning. The scale of today’s charity performance was indeed huge. The stage was comparable to the 5rank competition stage that Moira had participated in

Since she was supposed to do the opening performance instead of the finale performance, Moira was quite nervous as she prepared to go on stage

She was performing an adaptation of the piano song Our Worldtoday. Behind her was a dance team formed by deaf and mute people who were portraying the world of the deal. Coupled with the piano sound, although it was not intense, it was very moving It was definitely an auditory feast

After the curtain call, Moira subconsciously looked down the stage

When she went on stage just now, she saw Barclay at first glance. He was sitting in the middle of the first row. His outstanding facial features and unique temperament made him stand out

Even after the curtain call, Moira was able to spot him right away

Unexpectedly, when she looked over, she met his gaze

Moira was stunned for a moment. She felt her heart beating faster

She quickly retracted her gaze and slowly followed the dance team down the stage

The backstage had already quietened down. Katie and her team should have already left

Moira was removing her makeup. The staff member who had been arrogant to her an hour ago was standing beside her and apologizing. Mrs. Covington, I was ignorant just now and caused you trouble. Please forgive me.” 

Moira did not say anything. She was not a saint

Now that Barclay had helped her, she would not let this opportunity slip away. 

Lenka came over and pushed her away. Please move aside. Moira doesn’t like strangers standing beside her.” 

The staff member’s face turned pale. She did not dar 

to say anything

Her mistake today would basically end her career in this industry unless Moira could forgive her

Nadia had told her that it was not that they did not give her a chance, but that the person she had offended was Barclay, who could do whatever he wanted in Arnelo

When she heard the name Barclay, she knew that she was finished. Even if Moira slapped her face now, she would not dare to say anything

However, Moira did not say anything. She just sat there and removed her makeup

Lenka heaved a sigh of relief and felt much better, but she did not help to speak up

Chapter 131 

She was not a fool. She was on Moira’s side

No one paid attention to the staff member. After Moira removed her makeup, she followed Lenka to the audience seat

Today’s charity performance was indeed very grand. The guests in the first row were all big shots


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