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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132 


When Barclay said this, he turned sideways. The moment he opened his mouth, his hot breath pounced on Moira’s face

In the dim light, Moira’s face turned red bit by bit, and her heartbeat sped up uncontrollably

She closed her eyes and thought to herself, Calm down!‘ 

Moira pinched her hand to restrain herself. Thank you.Moira expressed her gratitude sincerely

She knew that Barclay had appeared here today to support her. Due to today’s incident, Barclay had to act as a loving couple with her so that he could help her

Of course, Moira was grateful, but she was also very clearheaded. She knew that Barclay was just trying to help her

He only wanted to help her. She couldn’t crave his body, although she was indeed attracted to his body

Realizing what she was thinking, Moira felt even more guilty. She did not even dare to look at Barclay. She pretended to look at the stage seriously. This dance is really beautiful.” 

It’s average.Barclay saw that she did not answer him, so he turned around and glanced at the stage

He had no interest in these artistic performances. If it weren’t for Moira, he wouldn’t be sitting here today. 

The performance was 108 minutes long. Only half an hour had passed

Barclay was uninterested and seemed bored

He did not say anything else. Only the faint fragrance of wood wafted over from time to time. Moira heaved a sigh of relief. 

However, not long after that, her left hand on her thigh was suddenly lifted

Barclay’s large hand easily placed her hand in his palm. The warmth of his palm made Moira, who felt cold from the air conditioning, feel a little nice

However, it only lasted for a moment before Moira reacted and wanted to retract her hand

She tried but failed. She could only turn to look at Barclay. Mr. Covington?” 

He was looking down at her hand carefully and seriously. Then, he gently swiped his thumb on the side of her index finger. How did you hurt yourself?” 

What?When Moira heard his words, she was a little surprised. She subconsciously looked at her hand

Her hand was slender and pretty. Although the lights in the audience were dim, Moira could still see the wound on her index finger at a glance

She did not know when she had cut herself. The wound had bled, but it was not a big cut. The blood on it had already congealed




10:26 Fri, 21 Jun 

Chapter 132 

I don’t know.Moira quickly pulled her hand back and touched the wound


When she did not notice it, she did not think that there was anything wrong with this small wound. However, once she discovered it, she felt a slight pain when she touched it

It wasn’t very painful. However, it would still hurt a little if she accidentally touched it


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