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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25 

The elevator doors closed, leaving Moira, Barclay, and Aiken inside. Barclay stond behind Moira, holding onto her wheelchair with one hand, the other hanging loosely by his side. His fingertips grazed her back, making Moira tickle a bit and scoot forward instinctively

Noticing Moira’s movement, Barclay glanced down at her hand. His dark eyes flickered with something unreadable

Aiken, standing nearby, didn’t catch onto any of this. He glanced at Barclay, remembering what had happened earlier, feeling the need to clear things up. Mr. Covington, I hope you don’t get the wrong idea. Moira and I are here tonight to set boundaries with the Guzman family.” 

Upon hearing her father’s words, Moira glanced up at Barclay. She remembered casually mentioning dinner plans with someone earlier and suddenly felt a twinge of guilt

Moira bit her lip, then spoke up. Allie said he’d apologize to me by kneeling down.” 

Oh? Did he apologize like he said he would?Barclay looked down at her, a hint of curiosity in his dark eyes

No,Moira replied simply

Hmm,Barclay nodded, then turned to Aiken. Mr. Jimenez, you needn’t worry. I trust your daughter.” 

Aiken felt satisfied hearing Barclay’s words. He’s better than Allie. At least, he won’t jump to conclusions about Moira, Aiken thought to himself

The elevator soon reached the ground floor, and Barclay continued pushing Moira towards the hotel entrance. Linden, upon seeing Moira and Aiken, paused for a moment, and then quickly understood why Barclay had let him go ahead earlier

Barclay let go of the wheelchair handles and stepped up to Moira. He suddenly bent down, looking into her eyes. Mrs. Covington, don’t forget to tell your dad about what I mentioned earlier.” 

Standing back up straight, Barclay nodded at Alken. I’m heading back now. Goodnight.And then he made his way to the business van waiting at the entrance

Moira watched his retreating figure, still catching a whiff of his cologne. She turned to Aiken. Dad, let’s head home too.” 

Aiken didn’t ask what Barclay had said earlier, just smiled and replied, Sure.” 

Their car was waiting at the entrance. The driver got out and helped load Moira’s wheelchair into the car

Moira and Aiken sat in the back, reflecting on the confrontation with the Guzman family just now. They each had their own thoughts

Suddenly, Aiken sighed, Moira, you’ve really grown up.” 

Moira turned to Aiken, feeling a bit emotional. Dad, I’m sorry. I was too stubborn before.” 


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