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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 29

Chapter 29 

Upon seeing Moira’s tweet, Juliet immediately retweeted it. Along with the retweet, Juliet couldn’t help but comment, Tve been friends with Moira for twenty years. I can testify that she has tolerated Alfie and Claire for a long time. If it weren’t for Moira being soft hearted and not liking to air dirty laundry in public, I would have exposed Claire’s shameless deeds online long agol Claire is a bitch. She calls Moira in the middle of the night to brag about getting Alfie’s affection. Every time Moira and Alfie are about to celebrate something special, Claire conveniently has an accident. Yesterday she even deliberately went to the private room of the Jimenez family and the Guzman family to cause trouble. How could such a woman be innocent?” 

Moira’s tweet was full of information. She didn’t tamper with any chat records and clearly showed Claire’s actions over the years. During the twoplus years Moira and Alfie were together, on every important holiday, Claire would conveniently have accidents and forcefully ask Alfie for help. Anyone with normal intelligence could see that Claire’s actions were intentional. Juliet’s tweet further confirmed this point

Moira’s tweet immediately caught the attention of countless netizens

I always knew Claire was no good! Just thinking about all them folks saying Ms. Jimenez was 

was outta line before cracks me up. Claire barging into the private room of the Jimenez family and the Guzman family, ain’t that crossing a line? She suddenly dropping to her knees in front of Ms. Jimenez, clearly putting on a show to gain sympathy. If I were Ms. Jimenez, I’d just have someone kick Claire out!” 

Hey, buddy, you’re so right! But you gotta watch out for getting slammed by folks. I just said I thought Claire was lying, and there was a bunch of people jumping on me. But I gotta say it, Ms. Jimenez is really in a tough spot!” 

Wow, that Claire is just too sneaky! I can’t imagine who would always pick important holidays to go bother a couple. And I think Alfie is probably a total idiot. I can’t believe he’s out there with another woman on his girlfriend’s birthday or Valentine’s Day or something. Even if Claire needs help, doesn’t she know any other friends who can help her?” 

That guy Alfio is definitely a standard scumbag! He’s even

for Ms. Jimenez 

gaslighting Ms. Jimenez, making Ms. Jimenez think she’s the one in the wrong. I feel so sorry 

Ms. Jimenez is so pitiful! Claire and Alfie are a perfect match when it comes to lousy personalities!” 

In just twenty minutes, the whole vibe on Twitter did a total 180. The netizens were either bashing Claire and Alfie or feeling sorry for Moira

Claire was just staring at all the hate comments aimed at Moira, but then she suddenly noticed her inbox blowing up with more and more DMs. Then she checked the comments under her own tweet from earlier, only to find they were all turning against her. Claire clicked on the trending topics and saw the one related to Moira’s response was climbing up to number eighteen. She clicked on it and saw Moira and Juliet’s tweets, and her face went pale as a ghost


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