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Snare of Love novel Chapter 221

Victoria Forbis said without hesitation, “I like girls.”

Boys were too naughty while girls were more gently compared to boys. It made sense as it was said that daughters were the apple of parents’ eye.

Boys were not as meticulous as girls.

That was why she preferred girls. Nathan White had asked her this question before and she also answered, “I must have a daughter in my life.”

However, she still didn’t give birth to a girl after all.

Jolene Harris picked up food for her, “Both of us like girls, but I would prefer you to have a boy this time.”

Everyone in the wealthy families wanted to marry in the daughter-in-law so that there were many descendants in their families. Although people nowadays were open-minded and thought that boys and girls were the same, these wealthy families would hope to have a son as they need someone to inherit the huge properties.

Victoria understood what she meant, lowered her head and said embarrassingly, “I can’t guarantee this.”

“Are you silly?” Jolene was amused, “I just hope so, but I didn’t say that you must give birth to a boy.”

The society nowadays are different from the society in the past where the responsibility of having a boy or a girl should be shouldered by woman.

Jayden Nelson put down his chopsticks and left. He was wondering why Jolene seemed to be the child’s father even though he was exactly the father of the child.

He was especially superfluous in this family.

During the meal, they talked and laughed, ignored him completely.

He felt depressed.

They coincidentally looked at him.

“He seems to be in a bad mood,” said Victoria.

Jolene could understand his feeling, but she didn’t state it, “Perhaps because of work.”

Victoria nodded.

At night, Jayden tossed and turned and he couldn’t fall asleep, so he went downstairs just as Victoria came to drink water. He slowed down, looking at the woman standing near the table. The dim light shrouded her slim body. It had been almost three months, but she didn’t seem to have pregnant.

She didn’t notice that there was someone standing on the stairs as she may have something in her mind.

When she went to bed, she received a call form Kevin Forbis, telling her that Nathan was safe and asked her not to be worried.

After confirming that Nathan was safe, Kevin took him away.

He was afraid that Nathan would trouble Victoria again.

She felt a little melancholy. She took a cup and walked to the French casement window. The dark night was extremely quiet and this made people to feel sentimental.

In the previous twenty years, she had never thought she would be embarrassed like now one day.

She didn’t expect her twentieth birthday would become a great turning point in her life.

Suddenly she lived in a city which she had never been to and had the most intimate relationship in the world with the person she had never met.

She looked up at the sky. The sky wasn’t full of stars and even the moon hid tonight. She smiled faintly, “God, you have played a big joke on me.” Her smile is beautiful, but full of bitterness.

“Is it that my sudden appearance in your life makes you to feel bad, so you’re lamenting here?”

His deep voice was especially clear in the silent night.

She turned around and saw a man standing behind her. He wore a black silk robe and his body was slender. As the light was dim, she couldn’t see his expression.

“Why, why are you still awake?” She was disconcerted as he heard what she was talking just now.

Jayden walked over and stood next to her in front of the window, then said flatly, “Aren’t you still awake too?”

She looked out of the window, “I just woke up and drank some water, not haven’t sleep yet.”

“Since you could sleep at ease, that means you had let it go.”

This made him quite surprised.

Didn’t she feel upset after she just broke up with her boyfriend?

She took a side glance at him, “I clearly know my own situation and I know that we can’t return to the past. Both of us will only hurt more deeply if we continue to get entangled. It’s better to let it go quickly rather than being soft-hearted.”

Her bold determination made Jayden to admire as many people were stranded in love and dying for love.


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