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Snare of Love novel Chapter 222

Jayden frowned and asked, “Did something happen?”

“My brother is here. You brought her to rest in the hotel as it’s cold outside. You just come back after my brother leaves.” Jolene was hiding in the toilet to call him at the moment.

When she came back from shopping, Jeffery Harris was already at home.

She was shocked at the moment she saw him. Luckily, Victoria wasn’t at home, otherwise this matter would have to be discovered.

“I got it.”

After hearing his response, she just hung up. Fortunately, it was a near miss. She took a deep breathe, looked at her belly in the mirror, then opened the door after confirming that nothing was wrong.

She grumbled, “Why didn’t you inform me that you would come here in advance?”

Jeffery leaned back on the sofa. He was imposing even without saying anything as he was fit and strong.

He looked at her, “How could you say that? I still have to report in advance if I come here to see my sister? Isn’t today the day of your pregnancy check-ups? Why did you go to the mall?”

He glanced at the small and large bags on the sofa when he was talking.

She walked over, sat in the sofa and asked her maid to get him a glass of water, “I just went to the mall to buy some clothes for my baby after I had done my check-ups since the baby is about to be born. By the way, why are you here today?”

He asked the driver to bring down the things in the boot, “Mom asked me to bring it for you and my little nephew. Even though he is not yet born, he has received everyone’s attention.”

Soon the driver came in with both his hands carrying a lot of bags which were full of clothes and food for her child and some supplements for her. The driver just finished carrying all those bags after two times.

She was surprised for a moment, “So many things.”

“Isn’t it all for your child?” He looked at her belly and wanted to touch it.

However, she slapped his hand away. She broke out in a sweat as she didn’t expect that he would want to touch her belly.

It would be exposed once he touched it as it was fake after all.

Luckily, she responded quickly.

He coughed to gloss over his awkwardness as his sister had grown up and got married. He couldn’t touch her whatever he wanted.

“Didn’t Jayden go to hospital with you as you came back alone?”

Jeffrey felt unhappy as Jayden who was her husband didn’t care about her all the time. Moreover, there should be someone around her as the expected date of childbirth was coming soon.

“He was busy working…”

“Is work or child more important?”

Jeffrey interrupted her before she could finish her words, “Can’t he think which is more important?”

When she was going to explain, he already took out of his phone and called Jayden impatiently.

Soon the call was connected. When he was about to question, Jolene snatched up his phone and hung up, “Mind your own business.”

He frowned and was stunned. He looked at her disappointedly as he was for her own good and afraid that Jayden bullied her, but she…

“Alright. I won’t worry about your matters in the future.” He stood up.

She realised that what she said was a bit hurtful. Jeffrey was her brother after all and he was just caring about her.

She shouldn’t make him sad.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”

He took the hat from the driver and paused his movement for a while when he heard what she said. Then he put his hat on, “Call me if he bullies you.”

After he finished talking, he walked out with long strides.

Even if he was angry just now, he couldn’t leave her alone since she was his sister after all.

She ran out and caught up with him, hugging him from behind, “I might have prenatal depression and was in a bad mood. Don’t be angry with me. I didn’t mean it just now and I know you’re caring about me.”

He frowned and pulled her away, “Don’t you know you’re pregnant now? Why you still ran?”

“I forgot just now…”

“What did you forget? You forgot that you’re a pregnant woman?” He was amused as he heard that and he touched her nose, “Your baby is the first child of the Nelson family and the Harris family, thus you must protect your baby well. Keep it in mind as I’ll beat you if you’re reckless next time.”

He pretended to be fierce.

She knew that he loved her and cared about her.

She threw herself into his arms and hugged him, “Brother.”

He pinched her cheeks and she shouted, “It hurts, it hurts…” His strength was powerful as he was a soldier.

“I didn’t use any strength.”

“My face will be ripped off if you do that.” She rubbed her face and her face was slightly red.


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