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Snare of Love novel Chapter 294

Armand Bernie took his hand back and said without any emotion, “We know each other.”

Phoebe Lewis grabbed his hand tightly, “No, you do care about me, and you used to love me a lot.”

“As you said, I used to.” Armand emphasized.

Phoebe released his hand and said, “If you don’t love me anymore, why are you still here?”

“You were injured.”

“It’s not an excuse!” Phoebe stared at him deeply, “Armand, do you remember the first time you kissed me?” She didn’t care about whether Armand wanted to listen to her or not, but she kept saying, “It was a sunny day, right before our graduation. You came to me and you bought the ticket for the movie called ‘My Ex’. The movie was about a couple, they broke up because of something bad happened. And you told me right in the cinema that you would never leave me alone.”

Armand didn’t answer her.

He remembered he said that.

Phoebe looked outside the window and kept saying, “It was dark in the cinema and we sat in the back seats. You kissed me. It was our first kiss.” She turned her head and asked Armand, “Do you remember that?”

Armand’s throat moved a bit, “Tell me, why you left me?”

Phoebe showed a relieved yet bitter smile, “You are married. It is meaningless to say that.”

She closed her eyes showing she was tired and hopeless, “You are free to go.”

Armand’s hands made fists, “I will send you back.”

“No need, I will go back by myself.”


“Don’t call me like that, it makes me think you still love me.” She opened her eyes and stared at him. Her tears were streaming down from her cheek. “I thought you would wait for me to come back… It was my fault, I shouldn’t have believed in our relationship could be that firm and it actually turned out that I have overthought too much.”

“You should have given me a reason, I could have waited for you.” Armand looked at her.

Phoebe laughed and didn’t explain the reason why she left and then came back. She removed the blanket and put on her coat, pointing at the medicine on the table, “Is this mine?”

Armand nodded.

Phoebe took the medicine and walked to the door. After opening the door, she suddenly held her forehead and staggered a few steps.

Armand rushed over and held her, “What’s wrong?”

Phoebe shook her hand and said, “It’s not your business.”

“If you don’t want me to ask that, why you show up in front of me?” Armand felt he had done enough of this. She was the one who decided to leave and then come back, and she even blamed him for not waiting for her.

“It was my fault, and I shouldn’t have come up to you. I will never show up in front of you.” After saying that, she walked out.

But she looked too weak and just walked slowly.

Armand stood on the spot for a while and chased out. He grabbed her waist and said, “Do you think you can do whatever you want? It’s not up to you now.”


Phoebe felt hurt so much and she took a deep breath.

Armand let go her waist, and asked carefully, “I’m sorry, I didn’t pay attention.”

Phoebe shook her head.

“I will send you home, where are you living?” Armand said.

He didn’t know why he said that. He only knew that it was not safe for her to go back alone.

“No.118, DT road.” Phoebe answered.

Armand took aback and recalled the place that he almost forgot.

“Why… why that place?”

“Because it has my memory, which is nice but I’m afraid to recall it.” Phoebe looked at him, “You must have forgotten about it.”

Armand got back to his sense and avoided looking at her. He tried to say it calmly, “I will send you back.”

He took over the medicine and held her arm.

Phoebe didn’t refuse him since she knew she had done enough to change his mind.

When they got to the gate of the hospital, Armand called a taxi and helped Phoebe get into the car, then he sat on the front seat.


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