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Snare of Love novel Chapter 295

Theresa was shocked, who was this woman?

She had a guess in her heart, but she didn’t want to admit that Armand would go behind her back to see his ex-girlfriend.

But if he didn’t go to see her, then who was this person that answered the phone?

Theresa held onto the phone tightly without speaking.

“I’m Phoebe, we met at the entrance of the home shopping mall this morning.” Phoebe looked in the mirror, and the woman that reflected in the mirror still looked beautiful. To say that there was any change, then it was also only just an extra line at the corner of her eye, but it didn’t hinder her good looks.

“He came to find me, and we’ve been staying together. I said I was hungry, and he personally cooked for me. Although he married you as his wife, but I think he still has me in his heart.” Phoebe deliberately spoke softly, in case Armand who was outside heard it.

Theresa immediately put the phone down and hung up. She looked at the phone in her hand, and as if it was a hot potato, she wanted to throw it away several times.

Armand was with Phoebe!

She held onto her chest suddenly. She felt her heart ached.

Theresa didn’t know if it was because Armand had cheated her or because she already had feelings for him.

Allison closed the store and walked out to see Theresa still standing at the entrance, then asked, “Haven’t you been left for a while? Why are you still here?”

Theresa turned her head away and avoided Allison’s gaze, “Uh, I’m waiting for someone.”

“Oh okay, go back early then, it’s so cold. By the way, you have to invite me to dinner someday, you got married but I didn’t even get to attend your wedding dinner.” Allison didn’t notice Theresa’s discomfort and patted her shoulder, “I’m leaving.”


Theresa responded.

After taking two steps, Allison suddenly stopped and turned her head to look at Theresa, “Do you want me to give you a lift?”

Theresa shook her head hurriedly, “No, you go first. He’ll be here soon.”

“Alright then. You bad girl, your love is always more important than our friendship.” Allison laughed and teased her, then turned around and got into her car.

After Allison had left, Theresa walked to the curb and hailed a taxi. Sitting in the car, her mind was still in chaos.

She didn’t know what to do.

She was scared on one hand.

Scared that Armand and Phoebe rekindled old flame.

Theresa covered her mouth and nose. Looking out the car window, bustling lights flashed in front of her eyes, but she didn’t have the mood to appreciate them, tears fell silently from her eyes.

“Miss, we’ve arrived.” When Theresa was still immersed in her own world, the driver had already parked the car at the entrance of her residence gate.

Theresa wiped her face clean and took out her wallet to pay.

She stood in the wind, letting it blow dry the dampness on her face then patted her face to make herself look normal.

Even if she cried, she didn’t want it to be in front of Armand, much less let him saw it.

Theresa took out the key to open the door. Mrs. Leslie had slipped a key in her hand when Armand brought Mrs. Leslie back here in the morning.

And said, “This is your home, you have to have the key to enter the house.”

She was very thoughtful.

Theresa opened the door to the house, and Mrs. Leslie was sitting on the sofa. Seeing that she had returned, Mrs. Leslie quickly stood up from the sofa and came over, “You finished work?”

Theresa skirted Mrs. Leslie’s gaze by hanging her clothes and gave out a faint yep.

“Armand didn’t go pick you up and come back together?” Mrs. Leslie asked again.

Theresa’s hand which was hanging her clothes froze for a moment, then said, “He’s busy with something. He may be a little late.”

“What’s there to be busy about? It’s not like he needs to go to court, he has so many subordinates.” Mrs. Leslie’s facial expression changed instantly, “I’m going to teach him a good lesson when he comes back. He’s a man with a wife and still has no sense of time.”

Theresa reluctantly smiled.

“Come on, we’ll eat first. We’ll let him have nothing to eat when he comes back.” Mrs. Leslie pulled Theresa towards the dining room.

Mrs. Leslie touched Theresa’s hand, “You’re too thin. I’m going to help you gain more nutrition.”

Theresa didn’t know how to respond to Mrs. Leslie’s enthusiasm, and could only lower her head silently.

On the other hand, Phoebe came out from the bathroom and Armand was still in the kitchen. She put the phone with the call records deleted back into his shirt pocket.

Armand cooked Phoebe some noodles with soup, brought it to the living room and placed it on the table, “Eat it while it’s hot.”

Phoebe looked up at him, “You’re not eating with me?”

Armand picked up his jacket and put it on, “No, you can eat by yourself. Take care of yourself.”


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