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Snare of Love novel Chapter 305

Armand was stunned. Wasn’t she only pretending? Why send her to the hospital? If she went to the hospital, wouldn’t she be exposed?

Besides, Theresa was skeptical now.

Armand was in a dilemma.

Mrs. Leslie’s head suddenly ached and her body convulsed violently.

Armand thought that she was pretending to be sick so he wasn’t worried at all and continued to think of ways to make Theresa stay, “You will only believe me when I take my grandma to the hospital?”

Theresa didn’t know what to say.

She was completely speechless.

Mrs. Leslie’s convulsions became more and more severe and she couldn’t even speak. Her breathing became more and more rapid, her mouth became crooked and she uttered in a raspy manner, “Ar… Armand…”

Theresa had a hunch, “I think something is really wrong with her. Take her to the hospital immediately.”

At this moment, Armand also noticed that her body was twitching and her muscles were tense. He picked Mrs. Leslie up and walked out.

“Coat.” Mrs. Leslie was wearing thin pajamas and it was cold outside.

In a moment of desperation, Theresa put down the suitcase, ran into the house and took out Mrs. Leslie’s mink coat and walked out with Armand.

Armand laid Mrs. Leslie down in the back seat and Theresa covered her with her coat, “You drive, I will keep an eye on her.”

Armand looked at Theresa, his heart surged with emotions, “Theresa, I…”

“Just Go, drive!” Theresa whispered. She felt that Mrs. Leslie’s condition was getting really serious, she was foaming at her mouth.

Armand was also a little flustered by now.

This was obviously not a pretense.

He quickly started the car and drove towards the hospital.

Theresa sat in the back seat holding Mrs. Leslie. Her consciousness was already blurred and she wasn’t responding to Theresa’s calling at all.

Armand was anxious and ran through a few red lights in a row and several times almost got into a car accident.

Originally, it was a twenty-minute ride to the hospital, but Armand got there in ten minutes.

Armand picked Mrs. Leslie up in his arms and took her out of the car. Theresa followed. There were many people in the hospital lobby. He carried her straight to the emergency room.

Soon, Mrs. Leslie was admitted, “What is wrong with my grandma?”

The doctor asked the medical staff to take Mrs. Leslie in the operating room and took that time to turn towards Armand and said, “Preliminary judgement is that she had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. You should wait outside the door.”

After that, he closed the door to the operating room.

Armand stood there stunned for a long time and didn’t return to his senses. ‘Cerebral hemorrhage?’

This was a sudden illness and if it was very serious it could be fatal.

At first, he had thought that she was pretending and he didn’t know if because of that the treatment had been delayed. Armand punched the wall in anger, making a dull sound.

Standing to the side and hearing it, Theresa’s heart trembled.

At this time, a nurse came over, “Who is the family member?”

Theresa saw Armand was busy worrying and blaming himself, so she came over, “I am.”

The nurse handed over a list, “Pay for these please.”

Theresa took the list, “I will go pay right now.”

She was also afraid of delaying Mrs. Leslie’s treatment. She was still holding Mrs. Leslie’s coat in her hand. Without even putting it down, she ran downstairs.

The billing office was on the first floor.

She took out her card and paid the bill.

Back outside the operating room, she saw Armand sitting on the chair, his head was drooping. There was blood on the back of his hand. He must have sustained this injury just now when he punched the wall.

Theresa walked over and looked at his hand. The injury looked a little serious, especially at the joints where the skin was torn and oozing blood.


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