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Snare of Love novel Chapter 306

“Don’t worry too much, it takes a while to fully recover. But considering Mrs. Leslie’s age, it might be a bit slower. And she won’t be the same as she used to be, there could be some sequelae.” The doctor said.

Armand Bernie was clear about it, so he pushed Mrs. Leslie to the ward.

The doctor ran some tests on Mrs. Leslie showing her physical conditions were good. Then the doctor told them something they need to pay attention, “This ward is a temporary one, if you want to upgrade it according to your own needs, you can go to the inpatient department to go through the transfer procedures.”

“Of course we will have the best one.” Armand said it without any hesitation.

To let his grandma live a happy life was the reason he worked hard.

“Yeah, you can go fill out forms for admittance.” Then the doctor left the ward with others.

Theresa left Mrs. Leslie’s jacket on the back of the chair and said, “I will do the paperwork, you can stay here with Mrs. Leslie.”

Armand didn’t say anything.

Theresa knew Armand wanted to stay with Mrs. Leslie as they had always been close to each other. So he must be hoping to stay with her grandma for the time being. So she left the ward to do the procedures.

Armand actually heard what she said, but he didn’t answer her purposely. He was thinking a lot in his mind, so it would be better to have a serious talk after they clear their thoughts.

It took Theresa an hour to finish the procedure. She wasted a lot of time on the queue because there were so many patients in the hospital.

With the help of the medical staff, Mrs. Leslie was transferred to the VIP ward. After things were settled, Armand’s phone rang, and he took a peak, it was from Boyce Shawn.

He pressed it and answered, “Yes, Boyce.”

“Are you available tonight? Let’s gather together tonight? I have called Matthew.” Boyce asked.

Armand looked at Mrs. Leslie and hesitated. It was impossible for him to leave at the moment actually.

Boyce knew nothing about Mrs. Leslie was in the hospital, and he also didn’t know Armand was in trouble with Theresa. So he teased, “What? Do you forget us after getting married?”

Before Armand said something, Boyce continued, “About Sampson, everything is fine now, don’t you always want to teach him a lesson? Now it’s the time.”

“Where do we meet up?” Armand asked.

“See you at the old place.”

They had a place where they always gathered, so Armand asked again, “What time?”

“At 7 o’clock.”

“Yeah, I will be there on time.” He hung up the phone and looked back and found Theresa was wiping Mrs. Leslie’s face and hands.

He was quite tensed, “Theresa…”

Theresa didn’t even look at him, “It’s not because of you that I’m taking care of her. People should know how to repay others kindness.”

Armand pursed his lip, “Can you do me a favor?”

Theresa didn’t say anything because she was afraid he was going to talk about something related to their relationship.

“Boyce wanted me to meet him tonight, can you help me take care of grandma?” Armand asked. He explained more in case Theresa turned him down, “Sampson’s matter was solved and he wanted Matthew and me to meet together about the next step.”

Theresa thought about it for a second, and agreed, “Ok..”

Because she couldn’t fully trust a stranger to take care of Mrs. Leslie.

Armand came up to her trying to say something but just signed and left.

The law office was closed because of Spring Festival. Everyone was preparing for the festival. The whole city was filled with joyful atmosphere of the New Year in the B city.

Armand almost spent the whole day at hospital without eating anything, but he still had no appetite. He was the first one who arrived the spot. So he ordered some wine to drink first. Shortly, Boyce arrived and saw Armand was drinking alone. He closed the door and jokingly said, “What’s wrong groom? Why drinking alone?”

Armand didn’t answer him.

Armand wasn’t like this and he must say something back if it was in the past. Boyce put on a serious face and sat beside Armand, “Drown your sorrows in wine?”

Armand too a sip and told him, “Phoebe is back.”


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