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Snare of Love novel Chapter 308

Theresa was lowering her head, “He still doesn't understand what I really care about.”

The thing that she wanted was Armand could be honest to her and didn’t keep any secret between them. She hoped that he could tell her all about him, whether it was about his parents or Phoebe.

She felt that honesty was the most important quality for either couples or lovers.

He kept emphasizing that there was nothing happened between Phoebe and him. However, why didn't he just tell her first at that time?

He actually had lots of opportunity to tell her about it. Even if he forgot to tell her on a call, he should also tell her when he met her at the office. However, he just said nothing.

“He can’t provide me a sense of security. So, it’s better for us to be apart now than we make do with each other.”

Boyce was looking at Theresa’s back. He didn’t expected her to be so determined and she was really assertive.

Armand must work hard by himself if he wished to get her forgiveness and let her accept him.

The part that he could help him on it was really limited.

“Then, I just pass him to you. I still have some matters to settle. Do you need me to call someone to assist you if you are too busy on taking care of him?” Boyce actually was free but he just felt that he wanted to give them space to get along with each other.

“No need, I can take care of him by myself. If I am not able to do so, I will call a temporary caregiver.” Theresa also didn’t want to trouble Boyce.

“That’s great. Just call me if there is anything that you need my help.” Boyce said.

Theresa nodded.

Boyce was leaving after that. Theresa walked him to the door. She was looking at his back when he was leaving. Then, Theresa closed the door of the ward.

Armand was lying there with his topcoat.

He was suffering as he had drunk like a fish. Armand was murmuring continuously, “Sick, I am feeling sick.”

Theresa walked over and stood by the bed. Then, she asked him, “Where is the part that makes you feel sick?”

She had no idea whether Armand was really in the state of unconsciousness or he was pretending to be unconscious. He turned over in bed. “I am awful. I am feeling sick all over. I felt sick in my heart.”

Theresa had made some struggle in her heart. “Since we have been together, I will only take good care of you for this time.”

She bent down and took off his topcoat. However, Armand was not cooperating. He was lying there and he didn’t move at all. Thus, Theresa was not able to take off the other sleeve of his coat.

She frowned and said, “Armand.”

Armand was in a daze, “Hmm?”

“You will be uncomfortable if you sleep with the topcoat. Make a move and I will help you to take off your coat.”

Armand opened his eyes and he seemed like he just saw Theresa in his semi-consciousness. He was grinning. “It’s you, Theresa.”

Theresa was speechless.

He really drank like a fish. He was totally filled with the smell of alcohol.

He pulled Theresa’s sleeve, “Please don’t go, okay? I can’t bear to leave you.”

Theresa pursed her lips.

“I am sad because you want to leave me. Then, I drank too much accidentally. You are not angry, right?”

Armand grabbed Theresa’s shirt and rubbed it with his face. “Theresa…”

Theresa grabbed her shirt away, “You are drunk.”

“I am not drunk.” Armand seemed like going crazy after drinking. He growled and he seemed to be distressed and very helpless. “Why don’t you believe in me?”

Theresa lowered her eyes, “I really want to trust you but you have never given me a reason to do so.”

Suddenly, Armand turned over in bed and opened his eyes. He was staring at her with his bloody red eyes. It was obvious that he had drunk a lot. He spoke with his hoarse voice, “I will listen to you on everything in the future, is it okay?”

Theresa was stunned. He…he was not drunk?

At that moment, she had no idea what to say.

“You…are not drunk?” Theresa asked.

No one was answering her. Armand closed his eyes and he seemed like falling into a deep sleep.

Theresa called him, “Armand.”

However, she still didn’t hear any answer.

After a while, Theresa heard his even breathing.


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