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Snare of Love novel Chapter 309

The smile on Matthew Nelson’s face was gradually disappearing, leaving only a cold expression.

Victoria Forbis was serving the cooked dumplings, she coincidentally saw what had happened in the dining room just now, the smile on Matthew’s face was disappearing.

She felt very sad, but she didn’t dare to express it. She pretended as if nothing had happened, she smiled and said, “The dumplings are done, do you guys want to have some?”

Matthew cast a glance, all of the dumplings inside were looking nice, so that meant all of them were made by Victoria. He pretended that he didn’t listen of her, he pulled the chair and sat down holding her daughter in his arms.

Victoria stood there, she didn’t know what she needed to do next.

The two children enjoyed making the dumplings so much, but about eating, they were not hasty.

When Dolores Flores just wanted to say that she wanted to eat, Jayden Nelson walked towards them, pulled the chair and sat on the seat of honour, then he said, “Give me.”

Victoria lowered her eyes and served the dumplings.

“Dumplings shall be eaten together with vinegar, I’ll go get some for you.” Samuel Flores slid down the chair and said, “I’ll go get some for grandpa.”

Jayden Nelson looked amiable, his eyes were filled with gratification when he smiled. Since he married Victoria, his relationship with Matthew was not good, but he didn’t think of his grandson for being so considerate.

Samuel laughed, “Grandpa shall give me a big red packet during Chinese New Year.”

For the past Chinese New Year, Dolores Flores and Jessica Lennon were always the people who would give him red packets, he didn’t care of the amount of money inside, but he enjoyed the happiness of receiving red packet.

Happiness was important during Chinese New Year.

Jayden Nelson laughed out loud, “Alright, I will give you a big one.”

The brother was going to get a big red packet, Simona Flores was not willing to be outdone too, she shouted, “I want a big red packet too.”

“Alright, both of you will get it, how come I will leave out Simona?” Jayden stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, “Come here, grandpa feed you the dumplings, let’s have a taste on them.”

The little girl was a little foodie, she was attracted when she heard of eating. She stretched her hands to let Jayden hold her in his arms, Jayden then held his granddaughter onto his legs and placed the dumplings onto the plate, “The dumplings are hot, let’s chill them down first before eating.”

The little girl smiled and nodded in his arms.

With the help from the busy servant in kitchen, Samuel got them a small plate of vinegar, as well as the minced garlic and coriander that had been prepared by the servant.

Matthew sat alone there, as if he was the outsider and the happiness here was not related to him.

Maybe because he felt so bored, he stood up and was going to leave.

This was a good chance to build the relationship among the family members, Dolores called and stopped him, “You help me to make the dumplings.”

“I don’t know,” He said.

Dolores smiled while talking, “I’ll teach you.”

Matthew’s eyes fell on the dumplings made by her, he frowned unpleasantly. Even she herself was making them look so ugly, how dare she wanted to teach him?

Dolores seemed to notice the objection in his eyes, she purposely said, “Mother can make nice-looking dumplings, should I let mother teach you?”

Victoria was standing beside and she suddenly felt anxious, she was looking forward to, but at the same time she was scared to be rejected by Matthew.

However, she was mostly awaiting for a miracle to happen, what if he agreed with it?

She lowered her head and was looking forward with full of joy.

“I’m not interested.” Matthew rejected directly.

Victoria felt so down in a moment, he was still not willing to accept her.

Jayden didn’t raise his head, he seemed to be talking to the two children, but also seemed to be talking to Matthew, “Do you guys like grandma?”

“Sure,” The two children said smilingly.

Jayden tousled Simona’s hair and his words were freighted with meaning, “Yes, don’t regret only after losing someone.”

The little girl didn’t understand about the meaning of this sentence, her big eyes blinked, “Last time when I met grandma, there was an old master who had given my brother and I some gifts.”

Matthew looked up, when was the last time they met?


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