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Snare of Love novel Chapter 329

Dolores looked down and saw the 'pigeon egg' in her daughter's hand.

She was in a hurry to leave and left it on the bed in her room. Simona went up to look for her, and instead of finding her, she saw something shiny on the bed.

Simona loved the shiny diamond. She didn't know what it was worth, and just thought it was funny.

Dolores didn’t know what to do. She looked back at Matthew and asked his opinion. This was not an ordinary toy, and she could not make the decision.

Besides, how could this be a toy?

Matthew, however, thought it was no big deal. Dolores didn't like it anyway, and he was happy that Simona liked it.

He stroked his daughter's hair dotingly, "You like it?"

Simona nodded seriously, "Yes. It's so shiny. I have never seen such a shiny stone. Daddy, mommy, where did you pick it up from?"

She wanted to pick one up too.

It was so pretty.

And girls all loved pink and sparkly things.

Dolores was speechless.

A stone?

She squatted down at Simona’s eye level, and taught her patiently, "Simona, this is not an ordinary stone and can't be picked up, and it's very rare. You can't take it outside. I'll put it away for you. When you grow up, I'll give it to you again, okay?"

It would be more than worth it if she took it outside and then let greedy people see it and invite disaster to her.

Simona didn't understand what her mother meant, and she just learned that this stone seemed to be a bit valuable.

She looked down at the “pigeon egg”. It was really shiny.

She liked it a lot.

Dolores could see that Simona didn't want to give it to her. She sighed slightly, "I'm not saying I won't give it to you, but it's worth a lot of money. If you take it outside and the bad guy sees it, he’ll rob you of it."

Simona seemed to be able to imagine someone robbing it from her already, so she held the diamond tightly in her arms.

She moved in an exaggerated manner that made Dolores wanted to laugh and weep all at once.

How come she had never noticed before that Simona liked shiny things so much!

"Then you're not allowed to take it outside, okay?" There was definitely no way she could get Simona to give her the diamond now. She would put it away for her when her interest was not so strong.

Simona, however, hesitated. Dolores' comment about being robbed hit her soft spot. If the stone was taken away, she would lose it forever.

Although she was very reluctant, she still handed it to Dolores, "Mommy, just keep it for me. When I grow up, you can give it back to me."

Dolores pinched her cheeks, "Okay, my good girl."

Dolores grinned, showing her row of white teeth.

"Mr. Nelson, Missus," Coral approached, "Master has asked you to come to the study."

Dolores asked Simona to play and turned her head to look at Matthew.

Their eyes met and Matthew said gently, "I see."

Dolores was a little apprehensive. Jayden must have called them for something, and she just didn't know if it was good or bad.

Matthew shook her shoulder, "I've got you."

She then was slightly at ease.

Walking up to the study door, Matthew looked up and knocked. A voice came from inside before he pushed the door open and Dolores walked in.

Jayden was alone in the study while he was practicing his calligraphy. When he saw them enter, he put down the brush in his hand and told them to sit.

"The two kids are almost school age. What are your plans?" In fact, Jayden wanted to ask them why they didn't let the two children go to kindergarten first to get familiar with the learning environment. But when he thought of how inconvenient it must have been for Dolores to take care of the two children alone for so many years, he didn't ask.

After this year, they would be six years old, and in the second half of the year, they would be ready to start elementary school. He thought that they could go to kindergarten and get familiar with the school environment.

"I've already made arrangements." Matthew had thought about it and had arranged it years ago.

Dolores looked at him. How come she hadn't even heard him say that?


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