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Snare of Love novel Chapter 330

"I know I’m wrong, Dolores. Just help me." Armand tugged on Dolores' sleeve and pouted, "For the sake of me being so pathetic, just help me contact Theresa, okay?"

Matthew's brow furrowed deeply. Then he squeezed his shirt and yanked him away, "Just talk. Don't touch her."

Armand didn't know what to say.

"Dolores, if you don't help me, I really can't live." Armand glared at Matthew and nestled into the couch, "If I don't see Theresa, I won't leave."

Armand acted shamelessly.

Anyway, it was nice here, and there was food and drink. It was a big place, and there was no shortage of rooms for him to sleep in.

"Suit yourself." Matthew dragged Dolores upstairs.

Dolores looked at him uncertainly and asked, "Are you really going to leave him alone?"

Matthew did not speak and pulled her upstairs in silence. It was not that he did not want to care about Armand, but how could he care about matters relating to love?

It was up to Armand to talk to Theresa. He did not want Dolores to get involved in their relationship.

If they were reconciled, it was okay. If they broke up, then who was to blame?


In fact, Dolores could see that Armand was very sad.

But she had to make him suffer a little, so that he would know to cherish Theresa in the future.

"I'll give Theresa a call." Dolores looked to Matthew who was closing the door and explained, "I'm not meddling in their relationship, but I want to know what's going on with Theresa now."

She was sure that Theresa also did not feel well when they broke up.

Since she was able to agree to get married back then, she must have had feelings for Armand as well.

She took out her cell phone and dialed Theresa's number.

Theresa had moved out of the place where she lived with Allison, and no one knew about this new place she was living in. It was not a big house, but it was just big enough for her to live alone.

The sound of water dripping came from outside. She sat in front of the window reading a book called What Happiness Is. There was a sentence in it that she had read countless times. “What is happiness? Happiness is a ray of sunshine in the winter that warms you up. Happiness is a cup of iced tea in the middle of summer that makes you comfortable. When you are easily satisfied, a ray of sunshine and a cup of water will give you happiness.”

“How true!” She thought. If a person wanted too much, they would not know what they wanted and they would lose their happiness.

Just like now, she was complaining and regretting in her heart. She blamed Armand for not doing what he said he would do and regretted why she agreed to marry him and made such a fool of herself.

But when she thought about it, as long as she let go, it was no big deal.

Armand was just a passer-by in her life, who added a ray of joy and sorrow to her memory and would not stand in the way of her future.

She was happy now, too, if she wanted to be. She was feeling the slightest bit of warmth under the winter sun.


The cell phone she had placed at her feet rang. She looked down and saw the caller ID on it, and didn't answer it right away. The store was scheduled to open on the eighth day of the month, and it was not yet time. It must have something to do with Armand as Dolores was calling her at this time.

She thought for a moment before picking it up, "Lola."

Dolores walked to the window. The snow was already melting, and snow water was dripping down from the treetops and eaves. She mulled it over in her mind before speaking, and instead of speaking directly about her and Armand, she said, "Are you free?"

Theresa pursed her lips, "Did Armand ask you to contact me?"

Dolores didn't hide it from her, "He was drunk and came to my house and asked me to contact you, otherwise he wouldn't leave. But don't worry, that's not why I'm calling you. There is room for him here. I wanted to ask you, are you okay?"

Theresa bowed her head, "I'm fine."

She was fine as she let go.

Theresa figured out that letting go was not hiding, but facing.

"If he's being unreasonable again, tell him to just contact me." She had blacklisted Armand from her address book.

Now she decided not to do so... She was not forgiving him, but letting go of the matter and no longer holding on to it. Even if she face Armand again, she could still be calm and collected.

Dolores laughed, "I can see that he's really sad. I'm not trying to persuade you. I'm just stating the facts as I see them."


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