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Snare of Love novel Chapter 353

“Rather than being depressed, why not think about how you can make up for it.” Dolores said this intentionally. She didn’t want to see him continue this way. There was no use regretting, things couldn’t be changed anymore.

In this world, if you missed something, you won’t be able to get the thing back, the only thing you have is just regret.

Armand raised his head, and looked at Dolores, “What should I do now?”

He was really messed up right now. He didn’t know what else he could do, and his mind was filled with images of Theresa’s injured face.

He couldn’t get rid of those images.

“You go back and clean yourself up first. I’ll take care of Theresa over here.” Dolores said.

Armand hesitated, “What if she wants to see me but I’m not around?”

“Do you think she would want to see you?” If her face hadn’t been destroyed, there was a possibility that she would want to see him. But it was impossible for Theresa to want to see him now.

If this had happened to herself, she would definitely not want to see Matthew.

She could understand how Theresa felt.

“You’re not paying for your mistakes this way. You are only torturing yourself. Do you think you can receive forgiveness this way?”

Armand clutched Dolores’ sleeves in panic, “What should I do then? How can I receive her forgiveness?”

“Forgiveness?” Dolores mocked him, “If it were you, what would you do?”

Armand was at a loss for words. If it was him, he would perhaps not be able to forgive either.

Dolores didn’t continue to provoke him. Instead, she said, “Go back first, I will try to advise Theresa.”

Armand knew about the close relationship between Dolores and Theresa. If Dolores was willing to speak on behalf of him, this meant that there was still hope. He said from the bottom of his heart, “Thank you, Dolores.”

Dolores ignored him. This was because she was biased towards Theresa. If Theresa didn’t choose to forgive him, she would also not help him out.

Once she managed to get Armand to leave, Dolores walked over to the nurse counter to enquire about Theresa’s situation.

The nurse first went to ask for Theresa’s opinion on whether she would like to see visitors.

Due to the patient’s disfigured face, she would be easily triggered by outsiders. Hence, she had to first ask for the permission of the patient.

If she was willing to see patients, then they would continue to make arrangements.

Dolores waited patiently. The nurse came out very quickly, “You may go in, but don’t stay too long with her. Try not to exceed ten minutes, her body is weak now.”

Dolores nodded and said, “I understand.”

The nurse brought Dolores to a changing room, and passed her an anti-bacteria gown, “You’ll have to wear this before entering the Intensive Care Unit.”

The nurse explained.

Dolores took the gown from her.

Many people who wore it for the first time didn’t know how to put it on. The nurse helped her with it.

Very quickly, with the help of the nurse, Dolores put on the anti-bacteria gown.

Dolores was wrapped very tightly. The purpose of wearing that was to make sure that she didn’t bring any bacteria into the ward.

“Follow me.” The nurse said.

Dolores followed the nurse into the ward. Apart from the beeping sounds coming from the medical equipment, there was literally no other sounds. The atmosphere felt cold and mechanical.

“Don’t speak for too long.” After bringing her into the ward, the nurse reminded her once again before leaving.

Dolores stood in front of the door. Her footsteps were a little hesitant, and her heart felt a little restless. This was because she didn’t know how to console Theresa.

If this had happened to her, she was afraid that she would also be sad to her core.

“Lola, why aren’t you coming over.” Theresa’s voice was weak and frail. She couldn’t see Dolores standing outside, but the nurse had come to ask her before this. Apart from Armand, it was only Dolores who would come to see her.

Dolores took a deep breath, and walked in. She smiled and tried to put on a relaxed face, “You’re awake?”

Theresa gave a light ‘yes’.


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