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Snare of Love novel Chapter 354

The driver changed his route.

Dolores sat quietly, but in her heart, she was thinking about Theresa’s matter. If she sent Theresa away, Armand would definitely hunt her down.

But she was very supportive of Theresa. Regardless of what Armand said, she will not betray Theresa.

After what happened this time round, he had become a lot more mature in relationships. Both of them needed some time off to calm down and handle this relationship.

Once she had set her mind to it, her decision to send Theresa away became even firmer.

Within a short moment, the driver arrived at RO Dessert House.

She paid the driver and got down from the car.

Through the glass window, Dolores saw Victoria with the two children. They were sitting at a seat near the window and eating their snacks. She pushed open the door and walked in.

“Mummy.” Samuel greeted her when he saw her walk in.

Victoria turned around. Seeing her, she said with a smile, “The tarts here are pretty good, I’ve ordered a set for you.”

Dolores sat down and thanked her.

Victoria smiled, “Why do you even have to thank me, you’re being too polite.”

Dolores smiled in reply, and put a spoonful of tart into her mouth. The fragrance of the milk was strong but not overpowering. It was also not too sweet. It was filled with the fragrance of milk and butter, and it tasted pretty good.

The desserts here were very famous. There was even a playground at the back, hence it was very suitable for children.

After finishing their desserts, Simona tugged at Samuel, “Samuel, bring me over to play.”

Samuel gave an exasperated sigh, as if he had no choice but to agree to his little sister, “Alright.”

Victoria got the driver to follow them, “Watch the both of them.”

The driver nodded his head, and followed the two children to the playground.

Sitting by the window, they could watch the children.

Dolores took a sip of the fruit juice, and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Can’t I ask you out even if there’s nothing going on?” Victoria felt that they hadn’t had a good talk for a while. Taking advantage of the weekend, she had brought the children out to play. Hence, she had invited Dolores together too.

Dolores smiled, “No.”

There was usually something going on when Victoria looked for her, that was why she had asked this.

Through the window, Victoria could see the happy faces of the children playing outside. She couldn’t help raising her lips, “In the past, I never thought that this day would come, where I can stay together with Matthew, and get along so well with his children. Even though I am a mum, but I have been taken away of the right to become a mother. I am very grateful to you.”

Victoria tugged at Dolores’ hands, “Thank you, for letting me stay together with Matthew, and together with the two children.”

“This is what I should do.” Dolores was a little melancholic, “You’ve missed out on a lot. No matter how much you have right now, it can only manage to fill a gap. But the beautiful memories you have missed, how can it be so easily compensated?”

Victoria shook her head, “I am already very satisfied now.”

She was satisfied with her current life, she had her whole family with her. She often felt as if Matthew had let go of the past, and had let bygones be bygones, and had agreed to get along with her.

“Charles has recently gotten into some trouble.” Victoria said suddenly. She turned to look at Dolores, “Have you spoken to Matthew, that it was Charles who had caused Jeffery’s car accident?”

Dolores nodded her head, “I didn’t hide this from him.”

He was too sharp.

Dolores knew, once Matthew knew that it was Charles who had done that to Jeffery, he wouldn’t let him off so easily.


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