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Snare of Love novel Chapter 360

Armand was speechless.

He let his head down, and looked very pitiful, Dolores did not feel sorry, but her voice softened a lot, “You should work, Grandma needs your care as well, and Theresa you can leave her to me, when she has recovered, I will naturally tell you where she is, in the time while she is getting better, you shouldn’t disturb her, can you promise me that?”

Armand asked with a hoarse voice, “Is that what she wants?”

Dolores sighed, did she have to say it?

If Theresa wanted to see him, how could she hold her back?

The fact he was held outside by the nurses should be answer enough.

Armand didn’t look up, then said, “I got it.”

He turned around and left.

Matthew was worried this guy might not take it well, “Call me.”

Dolores nodded and said, “Okay.”

Matthew followed Armand, only then Dolores had some time to talk to the nurse, “Did he hurt you?”

The nurse waved her off and said, “No, I have seen many anxious family members, I know what to do.”

Dolores asked, “Is her situation stable?”

“She has passed the most dangerous period, she doesn’t need to stay in the ICU anymore.”

“I want to take her to get treated abroad these days, can she still stay in the ICU these two days?” Dolores was afraid Armand might come again.

The nurse said, “Sure, as long as you pay, you can stay as long as you want.”

One day in the ICU cost more than ten grand, many families could not afford that, ten thousand was a huge amount for many families, some of them might not even have that much.

Dolores asked, “Can I go to see her?”

“Yes.” The nurse answered.

The nurse opened the door, but she still had to change her clothes since inside was a sterile area, so now that Theresa had survived the most dangerous time, she still had to change her clothes to go in.

Having changed it once, Dolores was already used to it, she was done quickly.

Theresa was lying, even though she already got through the danger, but she could still not move.

Dolores walked towards her and lowered her head to look at her, because her head was in gauze, she couldn’t make out her feelings, she thought since Armand came and made drama. She couldn’t be calm.

She asked softly, “Are you feeling pain anywhere?”

Theresa said, “No, but I want to leave asap.”

“I know, I have already arranged it, just these days.” Dolores comforted her, “Don’t worry, Armand won’t come again.”

Theresa was a little calmer, “I really don’t want to see him.”

Dolores said it clearly.

If it was her, she wouldn’t want to see him as well.

The ICU was different than normal wards, there were no chairs inside.

Theresa didn’t know what time it was, the ICU was sealed off quite well, the lights were constantly on, if nobody looked at the clock, there was no way to tell the time.

She asked, “What time is it?”

Dolores checked, and said, “It’s night, almost 12am.”

“You should go home and rest.” Theresa said apologetic.

It was already so late and yet she was called over.

Dolores smiled, to comfort her, she said, “I was in the store with a client, if I go back I might not even fall asleep, I need to draw some drafts.”

“I can stay with you for a while, so I can see the pictures I wanna draw.”


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