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Snare of Love novel Chapter 361

Matthew didn’t respond to that, he couldn’t say such cheesy words, he didn’t like it either, pulled open his car doors and got in.

Boyce’s arm was still around Armand’s shoulder, “Let’s go have a drink.”

Armand patted on his shoulders and said, “Sure.”

Matthew was driving his car to the hospital in the meantime.

Dolores was already very tired waiting for him at the hospital gate.

These days, even getting an appointment during the daytime needed a line, but now it was awfully quiet.

It was already half an hour later when Matthew arrived.

Dolores saw his car and walked towards him, Matthew stopped his car and Dolores pulled open the door to get in.

“Where did Armand go?” Dolores fastened her seat belt and asked.

“Boyce is with him.” Matthew said without looking at her.

She stopped worrying knowing that someone was with him.

It was already 2am, Dolores leaned against the window and fell asleep.

It was already too late and she was very tired.

Matthew drove a bit slower and more balanced, when they arrived at the villa, he stopped his car, Dolores was already in deep sleep, she had no idea that they were already at home.

Matthew went to her side, opened the door, bent over to loosen her seat belt, then he carried her out.

Dolores was deep asleep but being touched suddenly made her annoyed, she moved a little and moaned a little, but then she found a comfortable position in Matthew’s arms and fell back asleep.

Matthew carried her back into the bedroom, Victoria got up to get a drink, and ran into Matthew and Dolores.

She looked at the time, it was 3am.

“Why so late?” She asked in a low voice.

Matthew only humphed, maybe because they were living together, so she was a person close to him, naturally he greeted her with a sound.

Victoria was a little stunned, then her eyes widened, he, he spoke to her.

And it was so calm.

She didn’t even drink her water before she turned around and left, she was just about to go inside when she seemed to remember something, she opened the door to Jayden’s room.

Jayden was asleep.

She rocked him, “Wake up.”


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