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Snare of Love novel Chapter 369

Dolores Flores didn’t make Marina’s intention clear, but deliberately said, “She said you are privileged while I’m nothing, as if she was telling me that I don’t match you. After all, I don’t have a prominent family and uncountable wealth. We aren’t the right match for each other if we stay together.”

She thought in her mind that she indeed had none of these and she was afraid that she would never be able to own them in her life. The only thing she could do was to stand by his side.

She wanted to stay with him through thick and thin.

Matthew Nelson glanced at her, but he didn’t say anything, returned to his seat and started his car.

She turned her head and look at him, “Don’t you even have anything to say?”

He looked straight ahead and there was an undercurrent in his eyes. If he just thought that Jeffery Harris might have concealed something from him before, then he could already be sure now.

If Marina wanted to call him and Dolores for dinner, it would be enough to inform him alone.

There was absolutely no need for Marina to specifically run to Dolores’s boutique.

Moreover, since he could remember things, it seemed that the person responsible for contacting him was Marina. Even though Marina was close to him, he rarely called her.

It wasn’t that he was unwilling to contact with her, but he preferred her to help him out after a long time.

However, he took the initiative to contact her twice in a row this time.

This was enough to explain the problem. In addition, Dolores wasn’t in a right mood, so it must have something happened.

Probably Dolores also knew something about this matter, but he didn’t know how much she knew about it.

“No one can interfere in my affairs.”

Neither could Jeffery!

He made his attitude clear. As long as he liked, no one could stop him!

She took the initiative to lean on his shoulder, “Do you believe in fate?”

“No.” He only believed in himself.

She tilted her head, looked at him and said seriously, “I believe.”

“Don’t you think we’re destined for each other?”

In that night, something that was unpredicted occurred. They thought that they would never cross paths with each other again anymore, but it was unexpected that they had a betrothal when they were still young.

What an amazing destiny.

He hugged her with one of his hand. The corners of his mouth curved upwards slightly and his white teeth shined brightly, “You’re right about everything.”

She took a glance at him, “Are you brushing me off?”

He grabbed her hand, pressed it against his chest and smiled, “It’s true. I swear.”

She didn’t talk to him as she really might not be able to outargue him.

He is as shameless as a hoodlum.

At this moment, the car stopped at the restaurant which Jeffery said.

It was a Chinese restaurant.

Jeffery was more old-fashioned and he disliked western food. Thus, he always chose a few restaurants that had a good taste of Chinese food in City B.

This restaurant was one of them. In order to provide guests a different experience, it was decorated in a unique style with a Chinese frame and modern details. The waiters wore in black suits while waitresses wore in cheongsams. When both stood together, it showed particularly a harmonious match.

As they approached, the greeter at the entrance immediately pushed the door open and showed an inviting gesture.

Upon entering, a waiter in a black suit with a collar badge walked over, “Do you have an appointment?”

Matthew nodded slightly, “I’m looking for Mr. Harris.”

“Please follow me.” The waiter knew that he was the guest of the private room as soon as he heard it, then he led the way politely and respectfully.

When he reached the door of the room, he stepped aside, “It’s here.”

Dolores grabbed his arm tightly as she suddenly felt nervous to face Jeffery.


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