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Snare of Love novel Chapter 370

He frowned slightly and his eyes were full of joy which no one could pry into.

Is she jealous?

One would only be jealous when he liked someone very much.

Chloe felt embarrassed as she was a veritable wealthy princess whom everyone fawned on and all her besties revolved around her.

No one had ever disrespected her so much.

She suppressed her emotions, “Is Mrs. Nelson unhappy?”

Dolores replied, “I don’t know what does you mean by this. Why am I unhappy? Is it because you’ve done something that you think I would be unhappy about? According to your family background, I think you won’t do something immoral, right?”

She looked innocent and harmless, so Chloe thought that she was a little white rabbit and that it would be easy to stimulate her. It was unexpected that …

She was a little white rabbit which would bite people.

Her smile could no longer to be maintained and her face looked pale and bad.

This was also out of Jeffery’s expectation as she had behaved properly as a homely woman every time she went to the Harris family.

He thought he must be able to deal with her, but …

He came out to smooth things over, “Well, today is my treat. Don’t make a scene.”

He called the waiter and handed the menu to Chloe, “Order whatever you want.”

He flipped through the menu and ordered a few dishes which Matthew liked and left Dolores alone deliberately.

Chloe finally pulled a round back. She caught a glimpse at Dolores without a trace and lifted her lips as she thought Dolores was nothing even if she was eloquent.

Jeffery disliked her and he had made it very clear that he wanted her to leave Matthew.

At that day, she heard that Jeffery wanted Dolores and Matthew to divorce when he was having a call with her father.

She was surprised at that time. When did Matthew get married?

Her father wasn’t surprised at all, perhaps Jeffery had revealed it to him before.

Later, he hoped Chloe to get married with Matthew. After weighing the pros and cons, her dad agreed to his proposal.

No one knew that Matthew and Dolores were secretly married. It wasn’t only related with the Nelson family, but also the Harris family.

This was a huge interests circle. Moreover, Matthew was talented and his daughter wouldn’t lose out if she married him.

It was a good deal in every sense of the word.

At first, she was against the idea. The reason she agreed to deliver the documents was that she wanted to explain the situation after she had met Matthew.

She felt that he was different from what she saw on TV.

She knew earlier that he was rich and handsome.

After contacting with him, she just realized he wasn’t only handsome, but also had a power which was sharpened through the sedimentation of years and this made him more manly.

With curiosity, she decided to agree with their proposal.

She was eager to see if this man was really so determined and wouldn’t be tempted even when a beautiful woman was in his arms.

She thought that she wasn’t weaker than Dolores.

Chloe deliberately ordered quite a few dishes with her loud voice. Some of the dishes were which she liked to eat while some weren’t.

She just didn’t want to lose face in front of Dolores.

“Is there anything else?” The waiter asked.

She handed the menu over and said, “No, that’s all. Try to hurry up with the dishes.”

“Okay.” When the waiter took the menu away respectfully, turned around and asked the kitchen to prepare the dishes, Matthew called out to him.


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