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Snare of Love novel Chapter 371

“Ms. Chambers must be joking. How could a third party understand someone else’s feelings? Furthermore, you are not a mind reader so how could you know? Tonight’s dinner is organized in Ms. Chambers’s honor.” Dolores smiled warmly to ease the verbal exchange.

Chloe scoffed and replied, “Me? Isn’t it for you?”

Dolores took her time to chew and swallow before replying, “Matthew is my husband and Jeffery is his uncle. We are a family. Ms. Chambers, you are our guest, aren’t you?”

Chloe’s smile waned.

Dolores pretended not to notice and continued, “As a show of respect, the guest should seat at the prominent position, so isn’t Ms. Chambers the star of tonight?” It was unlike Dolores to be confrontational but when provoked, she would not pull punches because she knew that she would be bullied if she appeared to be weak.

From the moment Chloe came, she had been saying certain things trying to drive a wedge between Matthew and her. She did not know what happened when Chloe claimed that she met Matthew at the hotel. Dolores had been unsettled by this. However, she knew that if she showed that she was flustered by the claims, then others would have doubts about the stability of her relationship with Matthew. She wanted to question Matthew about Chloe’s claims but only privately. She would never question Matthew about this publicly.

Chloe’s expression began to turn nasty and then she stood up abruptly, “What a sharp tongue you have!”

Dolores maintained her composure and replied, “Oh you flatter me, Ms. Chambers. I’m just stating the truth, so why should you be upset?”

“Jeffery, I’m done with my dinner.” Chloe said and then rushed out of the room. She felt that Dolores had embarrassed her and would be made a fool if she continued to stay in the room. This was the first time she felt so disrespected.

Jeffery’s expression darkened and said, “She is my guest, why are you so aggressive?”

Dolores was about to respond but was stopped by Matthew when he grabbed her hand and said, “Wait for me in the car.” He wanted to speak privately to Jeffery.

Dolores hesitated for a moment because she was worried about Matthew as she did not know what Matthew would bring up. She was worried that Matthew and Jeffery would end up in a conflict. She wished that both Jeffery and Matthew could maintain a cordial relationship.

“I’m sorry I lost my composure and upset Ms. Chambers…”

“Go ahead.” Matthew interrupted her. He clearly knew who was at fault, there was no need for her to apologize as she did nothing wrong.

Dolores pursed her lips as her abilities were limited to control the situation. She pushed back the chair, stood up, and proceeded to leave the room.

Very soon the room was quiet.

Matthew wiped his hand, threw the napkin onto the dining table, and leaned back into the chair. Any doubts that he had previously about Jeffery’s attitude towards him was confirmed during this dinner.

“Do you have something to say about Dolores?” Matthew asked. Matthew was respectful of Jeffery and wished to remain in a cordial relationship with those whom he cared about. But now there was an exception. In the past, Jeffery did not seem to hate Dolores…

Matthew maintained a relaxed posture.

Jeffery did not answer directly and said, “Drink with me.”

He called out to the waiter to serve them drinks. Matthew acceded and drank a glass. Jeffery wanted to make it clear with Matthew but he changed his mind when he saw Matthew’s attitude towards Dolores.

“Chloe’s father and I are colleagues and friends. Today it was a coincidence that I met her at the restaurant and asked her to join us without informing you. I sense that you are upset. Is it because of this?” Jeffery intentionally changed the topic and diverted the issue away from Dolores.

Matthew clearly understood Jeffery’s intentions. Regardless of what Jeffery tried to do, Matthew wanted to express his opinion about this. He filled up his wine glass and took a sip before placing it firmly down with a loud clank to indicate his displeasure, “She and I… Our marriage is short and we quickly divorced. She wasn’t the best woman I’d seen but she was whom I liked most.”

Matthew looked at Jeffery and continued, “I was shocked and surprised when I found out that she bore me to children.” He did not want to reveal too much.

“She was my wife and what can I say about myself if I can’t even protect my woman?”


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