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Snare of Love novel Chapter 382

‘That’s nothing money can’t do.’

‘If he wants to be a star that holds a role in a drama, he can ask his brother to invest for him. It’s not a big issue.’

Dolores breathed in deeply.

Sean altered her opinion on him.

‘How rebel is he to be a famous star just to upset his father?’

She did not want this kind of person to be his son’s teacher. It would be a terrible issue if her son were as rebellious as him.

She thought in her mind and did not show on her face.

Meanwhile, Abbott was called by Matthew to the office after he hung up Dolores’ call.

Abbott could work for Matthew for so many years, he was a smart person.

He spoke first before Matthew asked him anything. He knew what did Matthew want to hear so he sweet-talked, “Your wife called me before and asked me to investigate Sean’s address.”

Matthew frowned, ‘Dolores wants to investigate Sean?’

“I have told her about his address just now. She should have met him now,” Abbott could not read Matthew’s facial expression whether he was happy or upset at the moment.

He asked carefully, “Didn’t you tell her who is Sean?”

Matthew did not concern about it. He just concerned about why Dolores would like to meet Sean.

“I know it,” Matthew waved his hand, Abbott lowered his head and left.

He called someone.

In the car, Sean did not pick up the call because he was cuffed with Dolores. His phone was put in the pocket of his jacket. The pocket was deep, he could not get his phone but it was closer to Dolores.

He blinked his black eyes, “Can you help me to get it?”

Dolores looked at him, then she took it out for him, “I also want you to do me a favour.”

She took the opportunity to say out her request.

She did not know how to say it out before that.

Sean glanced at the incoming call, he changed his expression. He seemed to respect the person yet showed a scared expression.

He looked at Dolores, “Wait after I pick up the call.”

Dolores nodded.

He picked up the call, he spoke first before another side spoke. He smiled, “Why do you call me all of a sudden?”

Usually, Sean was the only one that would make a call to him when Sean had any issue.

He seldom called Sean.

Sean was shocked when receiving his call, Sean thought that he did not create any trouble recently.

“Where are you now?”

Sean looked out of the window, he did not know where was he now. He asked Fatty who was driving, “Where are we now?”

“I arrange a new residential area for you, you can’t live in TL Road anymore…”

“I ask you where are we now?!”

Matthew pinched his nose, he was impatient, “Come to my office now.”

He hung up the call after saying that.

Sean blinked, ‘Why is he talking in an unpleasant tone?’

But he could not disobey Matthew’s instruction.

He could not help but ask Fatty to change the route, “Go to my brother’s office now.”

Fatty had worked for him for a long time, he knew who was his brother. He made a U-turn at the conjunction.

He put aside his phone and looked at Dolores, “What do you want me to help? Educate Samuel? Don’t worry about this…”


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