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Snare of Love novel Chapter 383

Dolores refused decisively, “If you don’t agree for endorsement, then I won’t be able to go in with you.”

Sean raised his hand, “Do you think you have any other choice?”

Dolores was speechless.

“I don’t care. I can’t follow you in, no matter what.” Dolores attitude was firm.

Sean was puzzled. He wasn’t asking her to do anything against her conscience or to break the law. He was just asking her to go with him to meet someone. Why was she rejecting like this?

“Is there someone you know there?” Sean asked tentatively, “Is there someone you don’t want to see?”

She had just gotten to know him, there friendship was not deep and she didn’t want to talk about herself with him.

Dolores staggered under Sean’s gaze, “I just don’t want to show up in front of them with handcuffs. Not knowing what happened, they might think I committed a crime.”

Sean was stunned for a moment. He looked down at the handcuffs in his wrist, frowning deeply. This was the first time that he was set up by someone.

However, it was already done and there was nothing he could do about it.

Although, appearing in front of people like this was embarrassing and even misleading.

“This person is very important to me. What would I do if you don’t go?” Sean also felt helpless.

Suddenly, a bright idea occurred to him, “If you don’t want to meet people, I will give you my equipment.”

As he said that, he handed the glasses to Dolores and asked Fatty to give Dolores a mask.

Dolores was left speechless.

“There is no other way. I must meet this person.” His attitude was very firm, as if Dolores had said no and was dragging on him.

Without a better option, Dolores could only agree.

Putting on the mask and glasses, she took a look in the review mirror of the car. When she was sure that her face couldn’t be seen at all, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at Sean, “When you said you would not take endorsement fees from me, you were serious, right?”

The endorsement fee was indeed a lot of money. It wasn’t not that she was stingy and wanted to take advantage of him, but he said it himself.

It wasn’t true that she wasn’t going to give him anything at all, and she was going to give some money when the time came. After all, he was on the front line and his appearance fee was not low. She couldn’t treat him badly for her own publicity.

Sean looked at her very seriously, “As long as you accompany me, I will endorse you for free. Can you trust me?”

Dolores nodded, “I am not taking advantage of you. I have looked up about what you do clearly, and I know that an endorsement starts at one million at the minimum. We can start at the minimum price and count as you give me a discount, I will appreciate your kindness.”

Sean smiled, “You have calculated it all so clearly?”

“As the saying goes, even among brothers, accounts should be settled without ambiguity. I won’t make you suffer losses.” Dolores said honestly.

Friendship was friendship, business was business, and they were not to be confused.

Even more, she couldn’t rip him off just because they were acquainted. This was not the way to get along with people.


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