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Snare of Love novel Chapter 393

Sampson’s footsteps didn’t stop and he approached her constantly.

Dolores kept backing up, she was so frightened that her face was pale white like a piece of paper.

How was he able to come out?

Her heart was beating fast, she was having trouble breathing.

“Are you surprised to see me?” Sampson smiled eerily.

This version of Sampson was even more eerie than when he kidnapped her.

Dolores suppressed her inner panic and calmly said, “Don’t you come over. If you take another step forward, I’ll shout.”

“Haha.” Sampson laughed very loudly, as if he was telling Dolores that he wasn’t afraid of people.

Dolores took advantage of his inattention and reached for her pocket, only to find out that she left her phone back in the room. Behind her was the toilet, there was no way out.

She looked at Sampson, “What do you want?”

Sampson smiled, “Do you know? Helen’s dead.”

Dolores only heard that she was locked up, how did she end up dead?

“Matthew Nelson deliberately framed her for murder. She couldn’t stand life without freedom and being oppressed, so she committed suicide inside.” Sampson gritted his teeth, his face was extremely hideous, “Because of the two of us, the whole Herbert family was also implicated. Their reputation was damaged, and they became the laughing stock of the people of City B. Tragic, isn’t it?”

“These are all you own doing, no one forced the both of you. God is bound to punish you with the amount of bad things that you did. You should’ve known this!” Dolores looked around, trying to find something to defend herself, yet there was nothing else aside from a flowerpot by the wall.

“You’re so cruel, Lola. So cruel to me. Don’t you have any responsibility?” Sampson approached again, step by step…, “If you had been good with me and not seduced Matthew, he would have married my sister. A happy ending for all. But you just had to be a bitch and went to seduce a man! And it even had to be my sister’s man! Making all this otherwise perfect trajectory to change its course. All because of you!”

He was only two steps away from her.

Dolores couldn’t just stand there and do nothing any longer, so she tried to escape through a gap at the side. However as soon as she moved, Sampson immediately rushed over and grabbed her.

Dolores shouted, “ Boyce… Mmm!”

Sampson covered her mouth when she was just about to shout.

Her pupils constricted sharply, filled with terror.

“What are you afraid of?” Sampson leaned close to her ear, “I’m not going to hurt you, why are you so afraid of me?”

Dolores couldn’t control herself, her whole body was trembling.

Choking in his palm, she prayed. Hoping that he would let her go.

Sampson kissed her neck and Dolores’s whole body stiffened. Her stomach churned again, and she wanted to throw up.


“It makes you so disgusted for me to just touch you?” Sampson became more and more hideous.

“Yes. I’m disgusted.”

The sound of her voice was muffled out from his palm.

Sampson became more and more presumptuous. He hugged and kissed her recklessly. Dolores struggled, but the difference in strength between men and women was large, she was no match for Sampson.

Between struggles, she found something on Sampson’s waist.

She grabbed it in her hand, and it was a gun.

Dolores pointed the gun against Sampson, “If you move again, I’ll shoot.”

Sampson’s movements froze for a moment, then he laughed, “You don’t have the guts to shoot.”

He continued to tear at her clothes.

Dolores’s nerves were extremely tense, and her mind was blank. There was only one thought, she couldn’t let Sampson touch her. She couldn’t!


She fired the gun.


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