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Snare of Love novel Chapter 394

It was not easy to deal with Officer Sharp, the newcomer. Officer Sharp took a glance at Dolores, who was still in shock. He smiled and talked to Boyce, “Boyce, do you think I'm stupid? Would the gun be in her hand if you were the one who shot to kill Sampson?”

“She picked it up,” Boyce was still doing his best to justify Dolores.

“Oh, she picked the gun up. The law would defend her from injustice, and that would be good for her,” He significantly paused before he smiled and said, “I hope that we can get your fingerprint from the gun to exonerate her.”

Then, he issued an order, “Take her away.”

Boyce and Armand looked at each other without saying any words, and they had an understanding that Boyce pushed aside the police officers who got in their way while Armand took Dolores by her hands and tried to break from the circle.

Officer Sharp seemed to have precautions for this. Seven or eight people rushed over to Boyce and Armand and blocked the corridor solidly as soon as they moved.

Armand could not rush out of the crowd with Dolores.

Dolores stood petrified with fear when Sampson rushed over to her side to grab the gun from her hand and shot himself.

Dolores thought that she was not coward person. However, she was stunned with fear when she saw Sampson, who laid on the ground with his body covered in blood.

When she came back to her senses, the gun fell to the ground from her hand. Her nature recovered itself with the sound of the gun fell to the ground.

She could probably sum up the situation at a glance.

Officer Sharp gave the order again, “Take her away.”

Five or six police officers made a circle, with Boyce and Armand in the middle, to prevent the two of them from moving again.

Officer Sharp wore gloves and picked the gun from the ground and put it in a plastic bag.

He took a glance at Boyce, who wanted to move but could not, and he shook the bag in his hand and said, “This is the evidence.”

Boyce narrowed his eyes and wanted to play hardball regardless of the consequences.

Dolores perceived that what Boyce wanted to do, then she shook her head at him. She knew that it was a snare. If Boyce and Armand played hardball, they could not take her away, but they would put themselves in this trouble.

“Made a call to him,” she calmly said.

Boyce immediately took his phone out of the pocket. Officer Sharp glanced at Boyce. He could take Dolores legally, but he was unable to stop Boyce contact others. What he needed to do was to take Dolores back to the police station.

Sean walked around the living room of Matthew's house. He looked at Samuel and Simona, who were both sitting on the sofa.

He mumbled, “How come I didn't realize it before?”

Samuel and Simona were Matthew's children.

He could not stay at home at all after he knew the relationship between Dolores and Matthew. He wanted to go to Matthew to confirm his thought.

However, it was true.

“Mr. Lee, what's wrong with you?” Samuel did not know what happened to Sean. Sean had been here for half an hour and had been looking at Samuel and Simona. Sean kept mumbled from time to time. Why was he behaving like someone possessed?

Sean sat in front of Samuel, “You tell me honestly. Have you been holding out on me?”

Samuel said faithfully, “No.”

“For real?”

Sean showed an attitude of disbelief.

“Mr. Lee taught me never to tell lies, so what I said is true.”

Sean had confidence in Samuel that he would not lie.

“I believe in you. I've got your back in the future,” Sean put his hand around Samuel like good buddies, “Let's go to your room and see.”

Victoria was preparing for dinner. Sean used to not go to the old house. Sean went to the old house because Matthew moved into the house.


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