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Snare of Love novel Chapter 404

They had divided their tasks orderly, everything was running smoothly according to the plan.

“Come out with me, I have something to tell you.” Jayden Nelson turned and walked outside after saying this, he walked into the reception room. The spacious room was shone brightly by the light leaking into the room through the window, Jayden Nelson stood beside the window with his hands behind.

“What is going on?” He turned his head and looked at his son, “Have you offended someone?”

This was obviously not the thing that would happen under normal condition.

Unless it was due to someone’s attempt.

Jayden Nelson was also a powerful character in the past, just that he had now retired, but it didn’t mean that his IQ had dropped.

Matthew was standing in front of the French window, facing the light. He was still wearing the wrinkled shirt that he wore yesterday, the sleeves were rolled on the arms and both of his hands put in the pockets, he stood very straight.

His eyes didn’t show any emotion, the cold but solid facial features were gorgeous but serious, the coldness from his core let people can’t help retreating.

Jayden knew that the gap between them in Matthew’s mind was still not closed, he lowered his voice and said, “Do you need my help?”

It had involved other’s life, it was not a trivial matter.

Jayden didn’t care of Matthew’s coldness, it was more important to settle this matter now.

“No,” Matthew said coldly, “You shall go back first.”

He turned and walked away after saying this, Jayden stopped him, “Do you know who have done this?”

Matthew stopped walking, but he didn’t answer at the end, “Please help me to take good care of Samuel and Simona.”

He continued walking again after saying, but Jayden called him again, “Don’t worry of the two children. There are many things that you can’t see only from the surface, I have something to tell you after this thing comes to an end.”

Matthew could roughly get what Jayden wanted to tell him, the thorn between them, wasn’t it just Victoria Forbis.

“We’ll see.”

Matthew left the reception room, the reason Jayden had chosen this place just now was because this place was quiet. When Matthew just walked into the workspace of Public Relations Department, the phone in his pocket rang, Boyce Shawn was calling him.

“Chloe Chambers doesn’t go out at all, we must find a way to lure her out,” Boyce said.

Chloe Chambers had heard from Eddie Chambers during that day, that she should avoid going outside if she had nothing to do, so she had kept it in mind. It was very sensitive during this period of time, she didn’t want to create new problems anymore. She didn’t go out usually, even if she did, she only went down to the park in the residential area.

Boyce couldn’t find a chance to catch her, he was staying at the same residential area as Jeffery Harris and the security there was very good. If Chloe didn’t leave the residential area, then he couldn’t catch her.

“Maybe you can ask her out for a meeting?” Boyce suggested. He knew that it was not a right time to let Matthew meet Chloe, but this was a key point. If he couldn’t catch Chloe to threaten Jeffery and Eddie, they would keep on using Dolores to force Matthew to marry Chloe.

“Settled, I will pass the rest to you.” Sean successfully got the IDs of those active people at the time and passed the rest to Armand.

Armand was working on the laws, so he knew the most about which crimes to be charged with these people.

Matthew lifted his eyes and his eyes fell on Sean who was talking just now. Dolores’s health condition was bad now, some more she was pregnant.

About the matter of luring Chloe out, he couldn’t go by himself.

But Sean could, Jeffery Harris and Eddie Chambers had joined the armed forces together, then they were married and had children around the same time, Chloe was just one year younger than Sean. The relationship between the two families were good, in addition to the relationship between Jeffery and Eddie, Sean also knew Chloe well.

Sean could handle this task completely.

“Noah.” Matthew called him, “Follow me to my office for a while.”

Sean didn’t have any objection for sure, he wanted to ask Matthew about something also, why would this kind of thing happen?

Who had done it?

Sean followed Matthew to his office, Sean couldn’t wait to ask about it even if the door was still not closed, “Who have framed my sister-in-law?”

Matthew’s back was facing him, he wouldn’t answer this question.

Letting him know would only put him in a dilemma.

“Help me to do one thing.”


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