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Snare of Love novel Chapter 405

“Who knows, this child...” Mrs. Chambers noticed quite soon that Sean seemed to want to see Chloe, he and Chloe were about the same age, they have known each other since their childhood, they were basically made for each other, and they knew each other very well, in Mrs. Chambers eyes, they were perfect for each other.

She had watched Sean grow up.

When she noticed that Sean wanted to see Chloe, she changed the topic just as she wanted to say something, “I will get her, you guys should catch up.”

Sean smiled, of course he liked that.

He was here to see Chloe anyways.

Mrs. Chambers went upstairs, Chloe was sitting in front of her mirror checking Matthews’ news of these years, most of them were about finances.


Mrs. Chambers opened the door and went inside, “Chloe...”

Chloe closed her laptop and looked at her mother, “Mom, why didn’t you knock?”

“I forgot.” Mrs. Chamber looked at the laptop she just closed, “What were you looking at?”

“Nothing.” Chloe put her laptop in the drawer, “Can I help you?”

“Noah is here.” Mrs. Chamber said.

Chloe was a little surprised, “He is back?”

Mrs. Chambers nodded, “I heard he just got back, he came looking for you, Chloe...”

“Mom.” Chloe gestured a “no” to her mother.

She knew what she wanted to say.

It could be nothing except for her to be with Sean, she thought Sean and her were a good couple.

Mrs. Chambers didn’t know about Eddie wanting her to marry Matthew.

Chloe got up and went towards the door.

Mrs. Chambers didn’t give up and continued, “Chloe, our family and the Harris family are perfect...”

“Mom.” Chloe interrupted her mother, she was quite impatient, “I don’t like him, don’t tell me that we are made for each other, stop getting us together, okay?”

Mrs. Chambers didn’t understand, Sean was handsome, his family background was great, why didn’t she like him?

“Chloe, doesn’t a girl need a man she understood well, with a good family, our family and Harris family are a good match, why don’t you think about it?”

Chloe didn’t want to listen to her mother anymore, she looked at her and said, “Mom, I like someone else.”

“Who is it?” Mrs. Chambers was surprised, Chloe had very high expectations, she had rejected many men, now that she liked someone, Mrs. Chambers was very curious.

Chloe didn’t answer her directly, “You’ll know.”

Then, she went downstairs in her slippers.


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